the planet earth is filled with humoring humors.
humors are syndicated, and are
used to vindicate the culprit commercial inclines.
the cheers, the laughs, and the laughter are used
to relieve the human hearts and the minds from
the heinous fake splendors of living
caused by the commercial ravines.
the matters are moving
in expanding universe space.
the galaxies, the stars, and the black-holes
are forming to reform the forms in place.
a new place to be formed, where laughter is primal
not a sublimate for the blunders of human trace
relieving the need to syndicate
the commercial comedians, and the fake splendors
of the marketeers game to relieve the self-inflicted pains
is this a stretch of my imagination tired from the daily fascinations, or
is this the brain's illusion seeking solace in matters race for a new place?
the answer is strolling, rolling, and beholding in matters grain.....
in the mean time, may the commercial syndicates of humor
humor themselves to no avail.
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