Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Minds Peace Games

minds "peace" games are being played in "God's" name.
claims are being made to build the bridges to sooth the rage
but the power play is on, under, and around every page
dark ages continue to lurk in digital age.
it is all nothing but minds games in "God's" name.
the minds games are played to control the human brains.

minds controlling games are occupying the human brains.
minds reigns are polluting the ocean terrain,
flattening the mountains grains, and concretizing the plains.........all to satisfy the minds vain.

minds are smothering, squandering, and wrenching with strain, the human brains.
minds "peace" games are played in "God's" name to control the human brains to wage wars and jihads and cause pains.

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