Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What "I" have experienced in this present form,
can it be experienced when "I" may be in another "form"?
"I" wonder as "I" roams the planet near and far..........

The claims of experience of knowing have been formed
in religions and religiosity's wide spread tundra,
in spiritual name shake karma, and
in intellectual rationalized drama.
claims are claims nothing but claims,
a camouflage for ignorance game.

For the believers it does not matter
as their minds and the matters are saturated 
by religious explains to accept on faith.

It is another day of claims, and reigns that builds on human pains.
A shenanigan that never ends....... but more of the same continues to commend.
The "I" is in the rain of claims and pains.
Do all forms experience the same,
the doldrums of claimant's claims?

"I" wishes the folly of the truth of claimants to reign the shenanigans of claims,
as the claimant's surf the "truth's" delusional hallucinogenic mirage in their God's name.

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