Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Unknown

The unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.
some minds play to seek power and control in the name of "divine",
and offer heaven and enlightenment to appease the minds.
some create prepositions, and suppositions to speculate the rhymes
to fill the egos needs and craving desires of all kinds.

when unknown rules, minds wonder near and far....
conscious minds reflect the ego sublime in momentary time.
egos mirage talks are all around "securing" peace in an insecure mind.
evolution's arms spread to clean the time with it's unforgiving incline,
the unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.

the sense
the perception, and
the conscious intertwine
to name and claim the unknown.

The unknown is a play ground for conscious minds.
minds complex create the lexicographic maze
to name the name of unknown.... in amaze.

it is all a wondrous ego game.

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