Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Thought For The Day

A Globalized Commercialized, And Advertised World:

happiness is stitched, reigned, and claimed.
happiness is packaged, and delivered on short circuit planes
happiness is a business that reigns our time.
happiness is defined, scripted, and mined.

happiness is sold in products of all kinds.
the happiness seekers are buying, and are in line
to become credit enslave, and
are "happy" to fulfill the commercial end game.

it is a world of pharma, the dharma of our time.
Prozac, and Viagra are enshrined.
the world is told to shut up, buy, and dine, and
let the young do the waring, and the killing
to make a unipolar product world to reign in time
to bring the happiness to shine.

the illusions of happy days reign,
the commercials sing.........
"happy days are here again," the mantras of our time.


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