Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Imagination of Mind

lost in a planetary sojourn
searching for you.
I ponder to think about you,
never to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

what I found were the ghosts of
planetary play, the relay.....
searching for their own display,
lost in their play.

is it all fantasy, a reoccurring dream
flickering through my mind stream?
I question in my awakened greet, and
in my sleep, and dream.
my throbbing heart beats
to let the breath sustain my hopes to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

lost in the universe that surrounds me
tears in my eyes speak my mind,
aches my heart to not have found you.
chatters clutters the sounds around me,
you are no where to be found.

lost in planetary sojourn
searching for you.
I ponder to think about you,
never to find you,
the imagination of my mind.

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