Friday, December 3, 2010

Ego Talk

ego could be fun, and a delight.
if we take the spite out of ego's might.

thoughts expand, flow, and glow
with universe in row.
it is an ego talk in tow.

how high can we go?
nothing is impossible, and
the possibilities are all around.
ego talks are abound.

ego screams,
creates, and
flows in poetic streams
that flowers
shall blossom
to dry
to fly
with the wind
to join
the universe in it's swing.

ego's contradiction rings
are making life's meanings
contradictory, as ego
takes the up, down, and
around swings.

ego and it's fantasy, and
the creation of it's skill
could make minds
a power tool,
a fantasy machine, or
make the mind serene,
still, and
sublime in ego's mind.

there is no escaping from egos rhymes.
ego could be fun, and a delight
if we take the spite out of ego's might!!

intellectual and rational renderings are ego's delights,
an exercise to create knowledge gain, reduce pain, and
make it through the day without a living strain.

ideals of life are egos many might,
a conversion of power glide 
to make it through the night, or
to make feel good slight
to sooth a plight.
ego is always right.

it is an ego talk,
why should there be any surprise?

ego creates the splendor, and wise.
ego claims to be reflective, and slice.
egos are slicing,
staging, and
the minds.

to free the mind
from ego's grip.....
is a fantasy
of ego trip
that surrounds our time.

transcend and transform
to be free and glee
are egos play
to let the mind delude in
delusional stray.

ego can save,
ego can rave,
ego can enslave,
ego can rage,
ego can make
the human stake
to build or break.

ego could be fun, and a delight
if we take the spite out of ego's might.

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