Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Am Numb

I am numb in space rhyme.
roaring mind slumps in crumbs.
immortal time watches
the change in forms.
the chatter on earth grinds
the meaningless rhyme.

wars of savages rages.
the acts of wars are justified.
morals of wars are rationalized.
I am numb in space rhyme.
the knowing, the feeling, and the blinks of eyes
cover the numbness in space rhyme in moments of time.

the rain sputters the ground.
the cool air takes turns and makes round.
the living moves and cues in senseless warring craze.
the cool air becomes colder to display it's anger
to freeze in heat the ravaging warring fleet.

the roaring mind slumps in crumbs.
I am numb.

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