Thursday, March 25, 2010

Human Demise

birds fly up in the sky to glide into the air mass to play.
humans fly up in the sky to ride, pollute, and degrade.
it is the matter of the air mass that sustain life.
life is not sustainable without the matter mass.

the mass is being destroyed by the human adventure,
a suicidal act of human fossil fuel venture.
is it an evolutionary drama? or
a madness drama?

my heart pounds
pumps the natures sound
the matters delight.

I breath the polluted air
my body mass is covered with the polluted mass
the heart sputters
loses the nature's sound and the delight
humanity is faced with it's own pollution plight

birds are still flying.
for how long will they fly in a polluted air mass before they die, and
leave humanity to succumb in it's pollution creation demise.

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