Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We Can Not See What Mind Obscure

we can not see what mind obscure.....
mind had it's run with "destinies" caved, carved, and slaved in times.
mind is wrapped and warped by indoctrinations of all kinds.

sun is rising slowly, peeking through the sky.
the plains are whispering as the passers go by.
mountains are rising to kiss the sky.
the oceans are roaring as morning arrive.

the beauty is sound, around, and surrounds,
yet the wars roar across the planetary space as never before.

warring minds are waging wars of all kinds.
religious fervor are obscuring the mind.
"cultures" are no better than religious fervor "divine".
political ideologues are busy in brain washing and coercion to
make the word of their kind to control.

mind is obscured among the beauties that surrounds
thoughts are rationalized to obscure the mind
the "destinies" of our time is no different than any other time.

we can not see what mind obscure................

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