Saturday, July 25, 2009


fear, fear, and fear

is reared in early years.

fear of others, and

fear of unknown are reared

in lack of education everywhere.

xenophobia is not new.

it is renewed and grew.

xenophobia grew in homes,

grew in streets,

grew in state capitals,

grew in chapels,

grew in mosques,

grew in temples, and

grew in synagogues.

xenophobia is a dogmatic shrill.

xenophobia is a power thrill.

facades are created

to eradicate the xenophobia.

xenophobia is a rationalized fear.

xenophobia is projected everywhere.

facades prevails

xenophobia remains.

the premise of living must change.

we must transform

beyond tolerance and acceptance

to human rights on equal footings.

we must open our hearts and minds

to other possibilities.

other than the prevailing xenophobic audacity.

eradicating xenophobia must become

our craving,

our leaning,

our desire.

doubts rule

life becomes a depressing spool.

xenophobia is spreading.

human rights are abused.

slogans are mounting for:

world peace and prosperity,

a prevailing falsehood of our time.

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