Thursday, July 2, 2009

21st Century Jurisprudence Economic Model

heart sinks in pain

drudgery mounts and drains the energy it upholds

to see jurisprudence economic model in play

lifeless incorporate Inc. has more power and privilege

human life is becoming subservient to incorporate Inc.

Inc. can get bail out, restructure, and seek bankruptcy help

there is no stigma for the Inc.

no credit check for the new emerging Inc.

no character defamation by courts for the Inc.

it is the opposite for the being

heart sinks in pain

homeless sleep in rain

21st century dominant economy thrives on human pain

it is not all the system's fault

humans have let this happen to themselves

it is an evolution's freak

an intellects streak

misery index brings profits to Inc.

jurist's are protecting the loan sharks

what a life.....................

what a game.........................

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