Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Morning Call

I come to thee with my humble heart,

a heart that has journeyed through hopes and stars.

despairs were many, and so were the hopes that aspires.

I don't know what is true and false,

in a world of MTV stars.

I do know what is not right in my heart.

I thank for the insight that comes from thee:

to never surrender to falsehood,

and live as simple as I could.

the events come and pass,

moments tick and remind

the life that has yet to be lived,

not the one that has passed.

it is a morning call.

time that rolls and cajoles

brings light to thoughts

like no other that I recall.

the feelings are at the mount

in every breath that counts,

about the lives that are lived in our time.

there are no sorrows for the lives lived.

there are sorrows, deep sorrow,

for the waring wasted lives,

the one could not live.

life, I thank thee for the guide.

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