Thursday, July 23, 2009

Evolutionary Game

nature's nurturing and waring games are on..........

the flowers are blooming

summer is looming

the rain comes and refreshes the forest

new seedlings are sprouting

birds are flying

hawks are dancing in the sky

organisms are having their best of time

beauty and peace surrounds.

forest's beat changes momentarily

peace is challenged

predatory life comes around

screaming, fierce buzzing spreads

the waring game begins

the peace is shattered

forest turns into jungle

law and order of jungle takes over

trust no where to be found.

elephants' the vegetarians come around

to bring a new order around

to change the predatory reign.

elephants are big, powerful, and smart

elephants trumpet aloud

to change the law and order of jungle

humans watch elephants with dismay

elephant have no predatory game.

some humans learned from elephants, and

became vegetarian and secure, and

relinquish their predatory games.

some humans learned from elephant's power, and

became power obsessed and insecure, and

accelerated their predatory games.

the law of jungle did not change

human predatory waring games are on

insecurity surrounds

bombs mount...................

human predators are running around

playing peace, prosperity, and

evolutionary game.

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