Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shackled Hearts And Minds

human hearts and minds are shackled

in their economic fabrics and waring drifts

wrapped in their cleaver religious songs, and

state imperial prance.

human hearts and minds are shackled

from slave trading out posts to

global trading in posts.

no one to blame

it is a sickness of human mind

human mind a creative mind

it is a week and insecure mind,

a convoluted mind

it creates to control

it builds economy

to subjugate

to feel secure

human hearts and minds are shackled

by their own doing as they drift from being

to create states, religions, and economic fabrics to control

wage wars to preserve their sickness

an ironic platform

the calls

the prayers

the ideological dance

yet to transform from an existing ironic platform

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