Thursday, July 16, 2009

A New Ponzi Game

day clowns are the king

at the wall street ring.

master manipulators are at work.

devalued assets are valued again.

paper profits are rising.

recession has not lifted.

unemployed are side sifted.

profits are regaining.

marketeers games are churning.

it is a legalized new ponzi at work

devalue the assets to get the bailout.

value the same assets to get the profit.

to distribute the "hard earn" bonus

for the wall street clowns.

politicians will join soon

to clear the song to be sang

happy days are hear again.

what a game...........

what a life................

globalized mastermind at work

to legalize a new ponzi reign at it's best.

derivatives will rule

Greenspan will smile

tax payers will pay

to rescue the new ponzi derail.

what a game.............

what a life.................

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