Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Dream's Dream

dream a dream for a dream life on planet earth

a life away from waring to a crave for peace

a life away from indoctrination for hate.....

under the disguise of "spiritual" game

a life away from schooling that leads to scaling

to a life of education, and educational endeavors that

leads to growing................

a life of more understandings than xenophobic hate

to a life of life that wonders and creates,

not to a life that is stacked in a crate

it is all a dream and will remain a dream

until the masters of religions,

the bankers of economic orders, and

the players of state games transform

to a new form.

there is no light

there are plenty of maneuvering flights

the calls

the prayers

the terrorist panderings

the G-8 renderings

the New York editorial dance

the Washington Post Prance,

and the like.........

all harbor subterranean mites

some have gods divinity to cite

some have human rights umbrella as a kite

some are the masters of monetary delights

no change in sight

if there is a change

it must be a nano

that I can not see

dream's dream

remains a dream

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