Monday, July 27, 2009

An Evolved Mind?

nature is sprouting.

matter's evolution,

the brain is evolving.

mind is tinkering with thoughts,

an human intelligence's after mart.

diversity surrounds

human frailty abound,

mind's insecurity rise, and

mysteries of life mystifies the mind.

multiple social designs,

political reigns,

economic domains, and

religious orders are ordained

in disguise to solace the insecure mind

by the power of human intelligence

to control the insecure mind.

brain continues to evolve

to free the mind

from the dungeons of human intelligence

from the mysteries of unknown

to transform, evolve, and transcend.

carbon clouds spread

acid rain fall

glaciers melt

ocean rise

the doubts seep into the mind.

survivability of human is at stake.

nature is sprouting.

matter's evolution,

the brain is evolving.

is it all a denial of inevitability? or

brain's insight for the mind

for the foresight

of an evolved mind

that has yet to be.

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