Friday, July 17, 2009

The Virus

life is churning.

terrorists are blowing.

the states are crowing the falsehood, and waring.

the religion brokers are stroking the ignorance.

wall street is prancing and profiting the bailout.

the power and control virus of our time is on the move, and


no antidotes are in the making.

education is turning to schooling.

madersas are glamorizing the self killing.

countries are run by the high flying clowns.

judges are made to practice the "rule of law".

heart must not beat for the bad laws.

judges are to display their cold heart.

the jurisprudence has lost it's conscious.

judiciary is not a check to balance.

judiciary is to implement the law, not question the law.

a subservient judiciary is in the making.

it is the virus of our time.

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