Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fermenting The Culture

the fermenting designs of our time,

the conflicts of mind.

conflicts of mind, and

social tapestries are intertwine:

in our living

in our breathing

in our seething

in our romancing

in our dancing

in our waring

in everything that comes to our mind.

the conflicts of mind are the kindles

the spindles

the griddles

the spikes

making life a dice





for senseless doling,

the conflicts of mind.

the conflicts of mind are

wasteful, and ironically


in scaling

railing, and

in piercing insight

often lost and left behind.

conflicts of mind could spark the light

to germinate the foresight that remains

out of sight of mind.

conflicts of mind are, and have been

the germane of social life,

fermenting the culture in sublime.

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