Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What A Game, What A Night

my sublime sleepy deary eyes are

forced to come alive.

the eyes are tired................

of witnessing the worldly scrupulous games, and

the sanctioned crimes, the waring names

covered with flowery words

political hash hash

humor grits

nightly shows

the comedians rise

Conan comes alive,

a no nothing substitute of a

know nothing domain

the crowd is all pimped up

to clap and shout

what a game, what a night

in a Mickey the mouse reign

glad it is night to sleep, and escape

Conan, the media's spruced up Han is

made to come alive.

there is a band lit up under the carbon generated light

ions are beamed

my deary and dry eyes are made to come alive to soak up the ion slime

what a game, what a night

in a la la land of scary night, fight, and spite

the first phase of globalization is complete

the world is almost deplete

the big banks are spruced up with the bailout game

they were down and out, so to speak

now they are fat, and ready to spit out the bailout grit.

no increase in national products

the unemployment has shot up

but the banks are fat, once again

what a game, what a night

the bands must be getting ready to play......

the happy days are here again

gypper substitutes must be getting the boost

majesty the Clinton will fix the Haiti for the investors to rake

master magician, the Obama is on the roll

the Gate, and the Chiefs are on the stroll

to fix the world for the financial masters to hoard

all the globalized cord

let the trickle flow

drip by drip

to feed the dry, and deary mouths in drips, nothing but drips

to keep them alive till they die to work for their masters

what a game, what a night

oh, my sleepy deary dry eyes fall sleep, and weep in the darkness of night.........

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