Saturday, June 13, 2009

What To Do In The Dungeon?

how to keep occupied in the dungeon?

days go by waiting for the night in the dungeon

nothing is of any significance, it is the dungeon after all

if there is anything of significance

it must be hiding to be revealed at a price

it is the economy game that mounts in the dungeon

significance without economic value are remote and rare, if any

how to keep occupied in the dungeon?

radio buzzes, and commenter speaks to entertain in the dungeon

the rain has arrived to clean up the dungeon

can't go out

eat some sustenance protein and carbohydrate

to satisfy the bio need in the dungeon

what else to do?

join the voluntary parade in the dungeon

to do some serenade in the dungeon

for the left behind, the ill and the old in the dungeon

write something


that comes to surface

for any reason, and for any cause

if there are causes left that matter in the dungeon

do something to eradicate poverty

do something to eradicate illiteracy

do something to ease the pain of dying

do something to erase the memories of abuse

that plagues the humanity

do something to eradicate the acid rain

do something to rehabilitate, to empty the jails

there is plenty to do in the dungeon

doing is what is expected in the dungeon

being is lost in the dungeon

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