Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Global Political Games

global political games are swift, cleaver, and over sized

slick, legalized derivative master mind

complex in color, creed, and degree

modern medias are contrived and smart

well stocked, and traded on wall street mart

human archetypes are varied, and insecure

dependent on divinity for solace, not on their own

thoughts and feelings are contrived






in centric world views brokered by





to control thoughts and feelings

education is turning more into schooling

producing the human work bees

for master queens

madershas, mullahs, pundits, rabbi, and

preachers are playing their role

in keeping the ignorance alive

revolutions have come and gone

to free the human sprite to rise, and be wise

the demagogues have taken hold, and


until the new one's come along

with primaries and election song and dance

the modern demagogues are

well schooled

have vocabulary refined, and smooth

serve well in their front face role

for their masters controlling the economic roll

21st century power game has not changed in essence or in name

since humans have learned the power and control game

the modern power and control games though are refined,

mass entertained, text messaged, media dramatized, and well


global political games are swift, cleaver, and over sized

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