Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Carbonated Brain: The Carbon Legacy

thoughts chunks

feelings debunks to see

the green revolution commercial junk

circling in head the endless thoughts

peace is shredding

carbon dread is spinning

radiation ions are curling

human needs are made to grow

corporations are expanding

more securities and derivatives to churn

pollution to follow

making the brain hollow

to absorb the carbon

human destiny, a polluted spunk

reality shows are growing

junkets are sprouting

to keep the carbonated brain spinning

Adirondack hold on help may be coming

is it a dream?

or a rendering

the brain to evolve, if it could

the brain to transform, if it could

the brain to transcend, if it must

the human destiny is churning

bomb, bomb, and bomb

drill, drill, and drill

the mighty slogans are on the move

carbon you must be the smart

polluting the brain of drillers and the bombers

to your liking

creating the carbonated spiking

from a carbonated brain

the carbon legacy

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