Friday, June 5, 2009

A Pardox In Sublime

the world of planet earth is divided by the day and the night

as the planet earth races with the universe to expands it's sight

the world of humanity is divided in multiples of travesties

to destroy the planet before it's time

the eyes are open, the dreams are broken

the morning has arrived out of the darkness of night

the human world is spinning

roaming the highways

playing the game of

polluting and politicking

radios are buzzing

news castings are doing their casting:

propagating the commercial incline

the bloggs are spreading their wings

to clip the ingrained news media rings

the morning has arrived from the darkness of night

the freshness

of mountain breeze

is keeping the human travesties in seize

the calmness that surrounds

in the Adirondack mount is

keeping the human senselessness down

the morning sight

the tingling light

the cool sunrise

the playing breeze

making the leaves queer, and

the grass sway

deer walks buy trusting no one but its four legged hind

turkey ducks to survive

hawks are flying high

bringing a meaning to living:

be hawkish, and play high

a senseless ironic divide

a paradox in it's sublime

it's just another morning in living incline

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