Monday, June 8, 2009

Racing Thoughts

thoughts race

at an unbraced speed

leaving behind the proposition verbiage to seed

destructing the readers from the core of thought

I must follow the speed of thought, and revisit

and insert the proposition verbiage left behind, or

loose the thought, a daunting reality of existence

the idea

the purpose

the universe

the planet

the human

the destiny

the irony

the paradox

the conflict

the passion

the desire

the living

the politics

the economy

the recession

the games of justice

so much more to learn and write

oh, my thoughts slow down

take a break

there is more than to think

the feelings abound

the pleasant breeze surround

the mountain

the glacier

the ocean

the depth

the surface

the height

so much to see

for the sight to absorb

oh the planet, you are so beautiful

the grace you bestow

the life you sustain

the water

the river

the meandering spring

life has so much to savor

yet humanity suffers

the irony

the calling of wars

shatters the peace

paradoxical living

the senseless killing

the evening has arrived

to prepare for the night

let the thoughts rest

for now

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