Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Mind

mind is a social grind stone

a dependent social intrigue.

mind is not free,

yet it may think it has a free mind.

mind is a social intrigue

how it could be free?

mind is engaged in perceiving,

conceiving, and making meanings in a rationalized cave.

mind is engaged in rationalizing it's doing.

mind is not capable of unraveling

the mysteries of life, though it may think it is, and

has been.......

mind is a social intrigue.

it's thinking, and explanations are social premise bound

all this may be good and momentarily socially sound.

mind acts as a sardonic social intrigue

alike mine what it is doing at this moment in time.

it sees things in three dimensional arcade

it perceives things at a platform dart

mind is a behaving thing

it raves

it craves

it slaves

minds acts are full of intrigues

yet limited, and bound within a social intrigue

it is a perception mirage

a poetic therapeutic thought machine.

the mind.

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