Thursday, June 18, 2009


freedom is an elusive dream,

an ironic dream.

heart flutters to be free

yet it is not free?

the freedom givers are spinning the strings.

the givers of freedom from the cave dwellers chiefdom

to modern states

have yet to free the freedom that has been stolen over the years by

the warlords

the sultans

the kings

the emperors

the dictators

the presidents

the prime ministers

the states of all kind.....................

given freedom is never free.

given freedom creeps and seeps

the blood to benefit the giver.

seeking your freedom

from those who stole is an ironic paradox.

the fight to free the freedom has yet to be won.

conservatives, liberals, and religious chiefs

are consolidating their powers.

all in the name to free the stolen freedom.

the stolen freedom that they keep so close to their heart beat.

never let go the stolen bounty is their sacred oath.

of course, the oath is taken in spiritual and nationalistic overtone.

the rituals are played.

calls are made.

candles are burned.

temples, church, mosques, and synagogues are erected

to sanctify the stolen power.

states are created

the separation of power edicts are pronounced

progress is declared

to free the religion, and the states to

consolidate the stolen power in separate domain.

separate domains are taken over by the religious states

to amalgamate the religion and the states powers.

revolutions are waged to saddle the tyranny of power in name.

ironically the revolutions have not been to free the freedom.

though they are waged in the name of freedom.

it is a power play game.

humanity it's time for you to change the game

free yourself from the givers, the brokers of freedom, and

be free

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