Saturday, June 6, 2009

War Mongering

human history

our history

is full of guilt

of wrong doing.

both the victors, and the losers of war

have their hands colored in blood.

one may have more than other

nevertheless, it is our blood, the human blood.

we can justify

we can rationalize

we can sanctimoniously create reasons

we can project our misdeeds on each other

we can find scapegoats

regardless whatever we do

we can not deny the wrong doings of all kinds

the moral lines have been crossed time and time again

gods have been brought into the parlors

historian have written histories

revisionist have covered the past

the facts lost and mixed with the myths

a rendering of blundering, a misguided and mean spirited

war mongering

no denying

war mongering is our deed

humanities everlasting creed

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