Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Mind Game

the brain presses on to evolve

the mind tempers the evolving brain

the mind, a social game

the social game stains the brain's domain

shortens the living span

to fill the social domain

the social domain

a heretic claim

of the weak in power

to govern by the power of the "Almighty"

since they themselves lack the sobriety

the social minds games

are control and power game

the rituals, and

the niceties are

the covers for the illusions of grandeur.

illusions of grandeur are the fruits of the weak

the weak are hiding behind the nicety and rituals deities and deceit

the niceties and the rituals are the ills

the ills that kills in the name of "Almighty"

it prays to slay

creates morals of decay

all in the name of god and heavenly cliches

the mind

the social domain

the immature game reign

21st century has arrived

the so called "almighty" controlling games are loosing their luster

the new social games are emerging

the rule of law is the motto of the new social game

the rule of law, a cleaver new game with almighty like domain

to seek power, and control

to subdue the humans under the human rights game

the brain is sadden by the minds game

the universe is shaken by it's carbon spray

to control and subdue the natures trail

to build the highways and the byways

to run and race in a chase to nowhere

marry go round is the name given to the chase

mickey the mouse trails are created

to occupy the human brain.

the mind's clever games

keep coming and going around

to temper the evolving brain

sun pierced through the window to end the nightmare

I am awakened

shaken, and drenched in swat

the brain comes to rescue from the minds game

brings the longing for life

awakens the the passion, and the desire

lost in social game..................

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