Saturday, June 6, 2009

Is It A Capitalist Adventure, Or A Corporate Sleaze?

Is it a capitalist adventure, or a corporate sleaze?

students are enslaved

education for the next generation is financed on questionable student loans

students can get the loan

it does not matter whether they can afford

educational institutions with conflict of interest provide no safety zone

parents are kept out of loop as students are of legal age

credit monitoring institutions are created to control

jobs are based on credit reports

it is all done using tax payers money or public securities for the lenders

it's all profit for the capitalist venture, and tax payers bear the cost

a generation in debt, and recession looms

students should they claim to be adult which they do

must also take responsibility for their lose unmindful decisions

corporate culture must take responsibility should they use the tax payer money which they do

is it a capitalist adventure, or a corporate sleaze?

or capitalist adventures, and the corporate sleaze are one and the same

the morning has arrived from the darkness of night

may the humanity be saved

from the derivative economic games

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