Monday, January 19, 2009

Time For Loot And Bailout

there was a time

when one could live under the free sky

the freedom was at it's high

there was a time

now is the time

to wage wars

to create poverty to be rich

to pontify to hide the criminal deeds

to televise to say what is not right

under the cover of commercial domain

telling not the truth is the norm in commercial domain

more commercials can camouflage, more they hail

the mighty green comes rolling in from every domain

there was a time

one could live free under the sky

now is the time to be incompetent and be bailed out

political ployers will come, and will rise

to call bailouts a healthy compromise

what a time to live in

Wall Street tumbles and gets the reward

the rest get the bill for the bailout

this is not called a healthy compromise

it is a loot designed by political ploy

there was a time one could live free under the sky

freedom was at it's high

now is the time for free loot and bailout

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