Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Living Nightmares

sleep has come to warm you up

transcend you into a new world

sleep is new every night

tender in it's delight

curl and curve behind the sheets and blanket

pillow will come to raise your head

divine, the sleep will arrive

bringing the moments of tender night

dreams will take you to a new path full with surprise

even the nightmares are different at night

than the living nightmares of day in time

the nightmares come at night to shake you up

to loosen, and to wake you up

night nightmares never stay for long

they come to frighted, and bid good buy

not like living nightmares

living nightmares are slick and slime

they come with piercing stick to stick around

to tear you up

not let you sleep

not like night nightmares, the one's come to wake you up

to face up the real world

and shake up the drowsy sleep

to make you rise and gallop

to make the daily nightmares go away

never let them ever come back again

with their self-righteous conundrum

your way

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