Friday, January 16, 2009

A Day Of Forgiveness

no body can speaks for you better than you

silence will bring nothing but drudgery

don't let the buffoons get away with their buffoonery

speak loud and clear and point to their chicanery

those who benefited from you, and are still benefiting

those who benefited and benefiting and had shown no gratitude

don't let them get away with their lack of gratitude

don't be the enabler for their lack of gratitude

forgive them but don't enable them for their chicanery

forgive them for they were surrounded by the enablers

enablers were hiding their self-interest under the enabling chicanery

forgive the enablers for they do not know any better

forgiveness is right for you not for them

buffoons and enablers will suffer their fate for their chicanery

live life as you have lived all along

with your conscious that has served you for long

oh, my conscious tell me how forgiveness is not a cop out

oh, my conscious tell me how forgiveness is not an enabler

you know your conscious well

conscious is what matter not the answer

forgive them and wish them well

so it be

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