Tuesday, January 13, 2009


the talk of great love is nothing but talk

it is all at the lowest possible denominator, and a rot

based on insecure humanity, and it's decor

every love and admiration for love are covered with ice

splashing, dancing, and rejoicing with hideous minds

a time will come.....humanity will rise, and will create great minds

not a great Cesar or greater than great ideologues but great minds

great minds to bring love to raise heads high above the clouds

not wars, not Hollywood or Bollywood stars, not political hounds

great minds will join the galaxies, and move with grace to touch and feel

not with a greed of envy but a greed of love that sputters Divine fragrance

great minds will bring ultimate serenity in embrace, and fill the desires

talk of love will become not talk but a caressing fulfilled gussying passion

bringing ultimate serenity in inner twine

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