Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Be Resolute And Brighten The Day

be resolute and brighten the day, the mind says

not let the darkness make it's way

not let the falsehood prevail

not let the misgivings sway

not let the spite win

brighten, nothing but brighten

with fresh breeze

with cradle in Divine

with feelings in sublime

while thoughts were on the high ground

then, suddenly, the realism knocks the door

comes in, and stands in line

shakes the mold of my mind

showing the world's real face

a face comprising of nothing but cynicism

a face of falsehood

a face darken with pollution

a face full with illusion

a face chattering nothing but delusions

a face reflecting an insecure human mind

where self grandeur rule

false hope delude

don't let the world's dark face hinder your way, the mind says

brighten the day nevertheless because it is the right way

brighten, not let the darken realism win it's way

brighten to wash the darkness away

make minds secure

brighten to cradle new thoughts in minds

brighten humanity to perceive not deceive

to clean not pollute

savor the living

as ever fulfilled being

in love, to love

bring gentle breeze to show it's way

the new way

to free the world from agony and despise

free from greed and need

to think and feel our Divine

that has been lost in the darkness over time

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