Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beyond Media Stint

what we see

what we feel

what we think

is not what is seeing, feeling, and thinking is

what we see is the media game

an economic mirage

a political camouflage

that keeps us occupied and entertained

to work and be drained

to make us see what is on media to see

stealing us from seeing, feeling, and thinking

no one to blame but our stupidity

failing ourselves from seeing, feeling, and thinking

our thoughts, seeing, and feelings are hijacked

no one to blame but our lazy streak

failing ourselves from seeing, feeling, and thinking

finding solace in easy, cheap, and quick fixes

transform and see

transform and feel

transform and think

to transcend beyond the daily mirage

there is a life to live

there is a life to see

there is a life to feel

there is a life to think

beyond the media stint

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