Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Presidential Pontifications Of Our Times

to live in a world of presidential rationalizations and lies

is like living in an infected dreadful swarming pool of flies

the pontification that comes out of their bacterial mouths

is nothing but lies, dreadful lies

the lies stink worse than the flies

it pollutes the minds

their pontification is to keep those who elect them in dark

so they and their favorites can live off with their loots

presidents in protection of secret service are free to roam, and

the rich are free to roam in their protection of walled homes

banks can get the bailouts

ceo's can get all bonus handouts

tax payer can count on trickled blessings

it is a drama with colorful dressings

presidents deliver with pomp and shows

as they build their libraries to cover and glorify their "deeds"

what a living, what a drama.....

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