Monday, January 19, 2009

All In One

mind is fighting

brain is queering

the slanted world is leaning

hovering over every living

political inauguration is in the air

Clintons are in the clear

the games of life are being played

controllers are controlling

banks are rolling

work no where to be found

self survival has beome what it is: a self survival

groups are dwindling

living is nothing but a meandering drama

homes have no porches to mingle

people riding cars

getting in garage

to live in a home

to watch television

what a life!

all in one

live, listen, watch, and be

all in one

miracle of 21st century

wage wars from distance

bring world at the edge

to annihilate itself

all in one

mind is fighting

brain is queering

to make sense?

from a senseless meandering drama

that does not make sense

all in one

the sense and the senseless

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