Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Crappy Hale Not To Be

looking straight to search the light of dismay

coming through the eyes of a lost disarray

blaming, and escape goating games are on display

humanity is growing, or going down in the drain

covered with malaise, and soaked in rain

pitiful is the sight that comes to play

sadness, and sorrow dominate

nothing to hold and sublimate

a short and disappointing sojourn

to witness the crappy hale

humanity you could do better

come out of malaise

raise the conscious

to look beyond the crappy hale

see the shining sun's ray

moon's soft display

the ocean's roaring play

the mountain's rise from malaise

summer's greenery surrounds

autumn displays it's colors

snow comes and whitens the ground

the spring brings the love snow came to see

humanity enjoy, and witness the gaiety that surrounds you

shake the malaise that abounds you

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