Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Insecure Mind, An Evolution's Freak

insecure minds are evolution's freak

insecure minds create insecure living

insecure minds seek power and control

insecure mind create token economy

token economy turns and creates money, the designate power

money is made the symbol of success and power in insecure living

money is made to manifest love for success and power in insecure clinging

money is not evil

money represents it's creator's evil

it is the human insecure mind that has created money

it is the insecure mind that needs to shake it's evil

social milieu the product of insecure mind

compounding the insecure living

political ploying

the moral preaching

the ideal screeching

the love for god roaring

all the ploying, preachings, screeching, and roaring are the manifests of insecure minds

insecure mind's intellect, the geek

creating the insecure living streak

insecure mind, an evolution's freak

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