Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life Is A Waiting Game

life is a waiting game

like a dream rail

to trail the life's game

while waiting to be awaken

before it is too late, and taken

away from the living masquerade

life's games are the differed games

for the waiting game

it is the waiting game

no other game but waiting game

as evolution screeches it's way

human mind is an alluded game

trapped in it's intellect tarp

until mind is free from it's intellect game

it is all nothing but a waiting game

Waiting To Trace And Render


doing nothing

just waiting

world moves

sometimes to digress

sometime to progress


to see

to move

to seek

to play


no stopping to wait

just waiting

for a rendering

to come

to reflect

the wait, and it's place

in the universe

full with self interest

infected with political ploy

and it's disgrace


to trace

the root

of all the self interest

and disgrace

infecting the human race

the wait

is it a delusional wait?

or the wait to open the gate

to let the rats run out

to make the world a better place

the wait

is it an illusion of grandeur?

or the wait of endure

to render


Cast The Sail


to do

to move

to row

to see

to seek

to play


no stopping

just waiting

no rendering

just waiting

breeeze comes over

wait is over

stake the stake

take the stand

cast the sail

towards a gentle reef


heart, mind, and brain

courting to reign

the desire to live

the passion to give

to construct

in a destructive

yet evolving universe

to engage in a hearty discourse

in a mindful converse

to seek brain's evolving reign


Friday, January 30, 2009


day dreams

fantasy screams

to touch the heart

to desire

clouds sprinkle gentle rain

as passion rise

to seek

the desire

to touch the lips

soaked in wine

in every incline



a dream

a longing

Life's Loving Moves

water drips

thoughts clip

feelings slip

heart skips the beat

to passion's heat

in embrace

the desires meet

to clobber

the heart's robber

in a kiss

that lasts a little longer

bonds to become stronger

life's crumbs splatter

making longing to scatter

in broken pieces

water drips

thoughts clip

feelings slip

sun is rising up

desires sizing up

to pick the longing

from scattered

to crave the desire

to bring passion

as sun sets

the skies lit

the moon smiles

as longing returns in sublime

life loves the clime

feelings rhyme

it is to be

Thursday, January 29, 2009


longing for the desire

to make passion to rise

bring pleasant surprise

away from gripes, and

the mundane living

longing to see the sunrise

with a passionate desire

to listen to every heart beat

as breath rise and fall in delight


for living desires

the pleasures the life brings

in anticipation for the arrival of spring

fresh ocean breeze

bringing waves from far far away

the roaring waves crashing the shore

to meet it's love in a haste

spraying the salty spray

in it's cool playful way

longing to love and play

in a moon lit night

lovers delight

to come alive

longing for it and more

at the life's shining shore

the moments bring joy to adore

as the waves touch the shore

Brain's Thought For The Day

mind and brain co mingle

mind the creature of living

the brain evolution's giving

evolving in a viral sea

mind and brain co mingle

brain the sensor of living

brings life the meaning of living

mind tugs along

without brain mind does not belong

brain queering to perceive

opens the path for mind to conceive

mind wanders off driven by intellect design

justifying and rationalizing the living

mind tarnished by intellect design

brain sets new paths for mind to evolve

mind conceives and seeks insight from brain

hopes are high that intellect will mutate

leaving mind to evolve with brain to create

a new living free to dream and move

with galaxy rather than pollute

dilute, and destruct

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waking Up In The Morning

is it a new day?

eyes half closed

mind is in the cloud

conscious half recovered


it is not a new day

it is just an another day

day comes every day

to awake

to take away the nirvanic sleep

go back to sleep, the mind says

it is a new day, the day insist

day has come

to spread the sun ray

over the horizon into the bay

to open eyes

to bring the living dreams

to make new dreams

to dream dreams

to listen the nature's melody

the splashing river stream

it is a scream

it is a new day

conscious has taken the reign

to make do the being

to spread the wing

to feel the breeze

to sense the freshness in every breath

living is fresh and serene

it is a new day

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Insecure Mind, An Evolution's Freak

insecure minds are evolution's freak

insecure minds create insecure living

insecure minds seek power and control

insecure mind create token economy

token economy turns and creates money, the designate power

money is made the symbol of success and power in insecure living

money is made to manifest love for success and power in insecure clinging

money is not evil

money represents it's creator's evil

it is the human insecure mind that has created money

it is the insecure mind that needs to shake it's evil

social milieu the product of insecure mind

compounding the insecure living

political ploying

the moral preaching

the ideal screeching

the love for god roaring

all the ploying, preachings, screeching, and roaring are the manifests of insecure minds

insecure mind's intellect, the geek

creating the insecure living streak

insecure mind, an evolution's freak

The Presidential Pontifications Of Our Times

to live in a world of presidential rationalizations and lies

is like living in an infected dreadful swarming pool of flies

the pontification that comes out of their bacterial mouths

is nothing but lies, dreadful lies

the lies stink worse than the flies

it pollutes the minds

their pontification is to keep those who elect them in dark

so they and their favorites can live off with their loots

presidents in protection of secret service are free to roam, and

the rich are free to roam in their protection of walled homes

banks can get the bailouts

ceo's can get all bonus handouts

tax payer can count on trickled blessings

it is a drama with colorful dressings

presidents deliver with pomp and shows

as they build their libraries to cover and glorify their "deeds"

what a living, what a drama.....

For Life And Living

mind is covered with intellect coating

the feelings are in a box, and rotting

welcome to the world of intellect plight

rationalize the living in every move in sight

think more, live little is the moto of our time

intellect is interfering, and killing life

let intellect sleep, and mutate

free the feelings as spring arrives

for longing, and living

for a better life that has yet to arrive

A Bright Future, A Possibility

to navigate in a world of social paranoia

to do right in a world of insecure minds

is to ask trouble with no end in sight

remind yourself the stage of evolutionary plight

intelligence that we have is waiting to mutate

with it will come a new insight

a new living of life that is nothing but bright

the right will follow the new evolutionary insight

social paranoia, and insecure mind will come to rest

the life will bring a new living full with jest

no more of rational and logical weaving

that does nothing but justifies the living

a new path of living will come

with no intellect interfering

a new path of rearing will follow

with no jeering

an end of social paranoia, and insecure living

is in sight

Monday, January 26, 2009

The World of Known's And of Unknown

eyes are deary and sleepy yet seeking

the world of the known's and of the unknown

the mind is slipping into the dream world

to wonder away from the reality

to rest from the squandering world

the world of misgivings that surrounds

the mind rebels and stands tall

to remind the nothingness of it all

Life's Game

life's games are what they are: outright confusing and nutty

life's games are insecure, and down right murky

the faces of goodness are conflicted, conceited, and deluded

no sanity can exist as long as the games of winners and losers subsist

my mind dreams a world without winners and losers

could there be a world without winners and losers?

or it is a dream, a deluded dream

a dream that needs rest, and no more nightmares

the facade of care surrounds

the game of care is to empower the insecure need

it is human destiny until evolution brings a new creed

living is a game of mind in a convoluted rim

skim the rim to see the darkness that heed

mind struggles to settle with the darkness of life

the pleasures of life are the reminders that happiness exist

there must be the goodness that is waiting to rise

to comprise of no games but a life of happiness

free from insecure needs

free from the games of living to win, to lose

Sunday, January 25, 2009

An Incomplete Living

a living that has winners and losers can not be a living that wins

the living of winners and losers is an incomplete living

it is a troubling living

a living that is self-righteous pontiffs

some have to loose so others can win

living of winners and losers is not a winner living

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Game Of Political Ploy

human race, a frail in design

complex in mind

duplicitous in social game

delusions rise

illusions guide

the way to mirage

the polluted social lights blunders

the eyes

to see what is not to see

to search what is not to search

human race falling behind

the falsehood

duplicitous games prevail

the game of political ploy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Realism One

watch the step

roads are slippery

motives are rotten all around

everyone is looking for an escape goat

some want to be hero

at the cost of other

what a name

it is a game

everyone knows

but everyone thinks otherwise

the warriors know

how not to get trapped

in a rotten insecure game

pontifications around

a name of political ploy

to fall back on god's will

incompetence rules

the insecure mind

watch the step

roads are slippery

motives are rotten all around

Be Resolute And Brighten The Day

be resolute and brighten the day, the mind says

not let the darkness make it's way

not let the falsehood prevail

not let the misgivings sway

not let the spite win

brighten, nothing but brighten

with fresh breeze

with cradle in Divine

with feelings in sublime

while thoughts were on the high ground

then, suddenly, the realism knocks the door

comes in, and stands in line

shakes the mold of my mind

showing the world's real face

a face comprising of nothing but cynicism

a face of falsehood

a face darken with pollution

a face full with illusion

a face chattering nothing but delusions

a face reflecting an insecure human mind

where self grandeur rule

false hope delude

don't let the world's dark face hinder your way, the mind says

brighten the day nevertheless because it is the right way

brighten, not let the darken realism win it's way

brighten to wash the darkness away

make minds secure

brighten to cradle new thoughts in minds

brighten humanity to perceive not deceive

to clean not pollute

savor the living

as ever fulfilled being

in love, to love

bring gentle breeze to show it's way

the new way

to free the world from agony and despise

free from greed and need

to think and feel our Divine

that has been lost in the darkness over time

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


silence spreads like a thoughtless being

the water in a stream meandering to be

in a silence dream to meet the roaring ocean

in dream

in a moon lit night

in a sensuous gaiety

with supreme delight

no words, no thoughts

no clutter

just being in being with being

to be

touching lips

in silence

Happiness Is Not A Dream

happiness is not a dream

it is a scream

that runs through the spleen

to bring the pleasure

in a handful of treasure

to arouse the senses

to bring the meandering sensuous rhyme

a taste of wine touching the lips of Divine

to play around

to love

and be

Living Nightmares

sleep has come to warm you up

transcend you into a new world

sleep is new every night

tender in it's delight

curl and curve behind the sheets and blanket

pillow will come to raise your head

divine, the sleep will arrive

bringing the moments of tender night

dreams will take you to a new path full with surprise

even the nightmares are different at night

than the living nightmares of day in time

the nightmares come at night to shake you up

to loosen, and to wake you up

night nightmares never stay for long

they come to frighted, and bid good buy

not like living nightmares

living nightmares are slick and slime

they come with piercing stick to stick around

to tear you up

not let you sleep

not like night nightmares, the one's come to wake you up

to face up the real world

and shake up the drowsy sleep

to make you rise and gallop

to make the daily nightmares go away

never let them ever come back again

with their self-righteous conundrum

your way

Presidential Inaguration: Today Is Tuesday, Just An Another Day

today is Tuesday, an inauguration day

a day to be happy

for the coming of happy days here again

new hopes are hopes for the day

ceremonials are trumpeting

for the coming of a new presidente

the word's out

newyorktimes and wahington post's are debating

media is cohabiting with the news of the day

still trying to figured it out: who new presidente is?

he is black

he is not hyphenated

he is the closure of MLK's dream

in a hyphenated U.S.A.

the world is fighting

poverty is rising

wars are waged

religious crusaders, and jihadies are in

banks are rolling with bailouts

tax payers are fed the hopes outs

to prepare to pay for the bailouts

old presidente is headed to Crawford

to run around the ranch

to build his image of a "good guy"

the break he got from the new presidente

today is Tuesday, just an another day

A Crappy Hale Not To Be

looking straight to search the light of dismay

coming through the eyes of a lost disarray

blaming, and escape goating games are on display

humanity is growing, or going down in the drain

covered with malaise, and soaked in rain

pitiful is the sight that comes to play

sadness, and sorrow dominate

nothing to hold and sublimate

a short and disappointing sojourn

to witness the crappy hale

humanity you could do better

come out of malaise

raise the conscious

to look beyond the crappy hale

see the shining sun's ray

moon's soft display

the ocean's roaring play

the mountain's rise from malaise

summer's greenery surrounds

autumn displays it's colors

snow comes and whitens the ground

the spring brings the love snow came to see

humanity enjoy, and witness the gaiety that surrounds you

shake the malaise that abounds you

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why To Earn When There Is Plenty To Loot

why to earn when there is plenty to loot

the norm of the day

some looters are dressed in political garbs

some carry religious burning torch

some are out right bolsters

with high power lawyers

creating corporate bankrolls in the Caribbean

keeping offices in U.S. to receive the bailout

a Bush and Paulson bounty

Obama's political ploy

a pay off for the wall street

to get trickles for the main street

political genes are passed on to Obama regime

life's mirage is on the move

plenty for bailout

why to earn when there is plenty to loot

Time For Loot And Bailout

there was a time

when one could live under the free sky

the freedom was at it's high

there was a time

now is the time

to wage wars

to create poverty to be rich

to pontify to hide the criminal deeds

to televise to say what is not right

under the cover of commercial domain

telling not the truth is the norm in commercial domain

more commercials can camouflage, more they hail

the mighty green comes rolling in from every domain

there was a time

one could live free under the sky

now is the time to be incompetent and be bailed out

political ployers will come, and will rise

to call bailouts a healthy compromise

what a time to live in

Wall Street tumbles and gets the reward

the rest get the bill for the bailout

this is not called a healthy compromise

it is a loot designed by political ploy

there was a time one could live free under the sky

freedom was at it's high

now is the time for free loot and bailout

Disinfect The Political Ploy

what a day it is

snow continues to fall

radio is humming

the serenity abounds

so simple to live

yet life is made it to be hard

by our greed

by our senseless wars

by our lack of awareness who we are

we are not for wars

we are for dreaming

for creating

for loving

for finding our path

to make the world to survive

from polluting hives

coming from no where but from political ploy

now we have found the culprit, the political ploy

the virus of intellectual thought

let us clean, and disinfect

to return to serenity

that abounds

but stolen by political ploy

Political Ploy

an awaken mirage

the world is camouflaged


it's treacherous wars

killing those who disagree

calling it a religious war

calling it a jihad

calling it a freedom's dream

depending who you talk

every ideologue has a walk and talk

to camouflage it's true nature

that is: to seek power and control

to control who control now

a drama that has gone too long

humanity has not learned

because all treacherous deeds are camouflaged

by political ploy

Live To Be

live your life, and make it what it meant it to be

not for the squanders, but for the living

live your life, and make it what it is

a living scene

a dream

a drama to be

an evolution's scream




live for one thing, and one thing alone

to love and live

for those who love

not for pretenders

it is your life

and it is meant to be

to evolve

to greet the loving being

to love, and to be

All In One

mind is fighting

brain is queering

the slanted world is leaning

hovering over every living

political inauguration is in the air

Clintons are in the clear

the games of life are being played

controllers are controlling

banks are rolling

work no where to be found

self survival has beome what it is: a self survival

groups are dwindling

living is nothing but a meandering drama

homes have no porches to mingle

people riding cars

getting in garage

to live in a home

to watch television

what a life!

all in one

live, listen, watch, and be

all in one

miracle of 21st century

wage wars from distance

bring world at the edge

to annihilate itself

all in one

mind is fighting

brain is queering

to make sense?

from a senseless meandering drama

that does not make sense

all in one

the sense and the senseless

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow And It's Love

I woke up in the morning to see the snow falling

the mountain is storing the snow flakes one at a time

a welcoming sight to be hold and behold

the snow touches the earth in grace

in anticipation to meet and cherish the love of spring

snow is coming down in gush

like a lover in a haste

snow is powdery, slippery, puffy, and sweet in taste

divine it is in freshness

snow touches the ground in reigning splendor

to meet

it's love in grace

Snow And Spring

the snow is falling to meet the spring in loving sublime

snow melts in the spring to bring life

snow melts and rejuvenates, and freshens the spring

spring without melting snow will be like heart with no love to love

snow and spring meet in lovers grace like red wine touching lovers lips in twine

the snow is falling to meet the spring in loving sublime

A Thought For The Day

social egos conflict

intellect spreads it's wings

to justify,and rationalize to "win"

to keep sick ego in

intellect is an enabler

making justification, and rationalization a mover

to keep social ego alive

social ego and intellect are not benign

social ego must evolve and change

intellect must mutate

before it is too late

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Humming To See The Hope's New Name

smile, not just spread the reflex

there could be a high ground

in the sinking political song and dance

run the train to fly on the ground

symbolism are the name of the game

haven't you heard the change is coming

yes "we can's" are humming

to lift the world to a new ground

believe it

it is a game

keep humming

until it passes away

to a new name

Minds Rot, Brains Take The Path

minds hum, and rot

brains fail

no they did not fail

they railed

to catch the frail

lying down the path

to speak to the worldly rots

brain turns to mind

to seek the path

mind is full with rots

not much to offer but qoutes

brain comes to rescue

to make the sojourn

in sparkle light

that comes with great surprise

to reach the new galaxy

in no time

to be

what it is to be!!

Hogs World

it is difficult to satisfy the world around you

greed and hypocrisy runs deep in human mind

navigating in troubling greedy and hypocritical world

is a lonely sojourn

dirt of greed and hypocrisy are all around

you are going to get muddy, if you stick around

the world the muddy world

what to do?

where to go?

wait, there is a way

get in a boat, and row,

row, and row

until the dawn comes and clears the fog

leave all those hypocrats, and the greedy

behind you to the hogs

they will be in right company to hog

in "splendor" on each other's hog

Disney will come around to build the park

Micky will hog on the hogs

every one will be nothing but "happy" hog

fooled by the Micky, the hog.

Is It Evolution Or Karma?

turkey walked by the window, an ornithology's dream

turkey is looking around

never letting down it's sense radar

it is evolution's game or it is karma's reign

I believe in one, have never seen the other

my mind is bend to see the evolving reign

brain evolves, the mind conjures

nothing to be certain

until the life's curtain falls

into the unknown

revealing the certainty of

of nothingness of unknown.

turkey remains on the guard

to evolve, or

to seek karma's resolve.

Artic Cold

frigid Arctic cold testing the bone

snow crunched its surface as it froze

froze to melt when spring arrives

to bring life once again to thrive

frigid Arctic cold testing the bone

Arctic cold has not met the human Arctic cold

human Arctic cold freezes life to no return

Arctic cold stays until spring arrives

human Arctic cold never contrives

never unfreezes to bring life again

it is bone cold

it is shivering cold

it is conniving cold

it is pure and simple cold

nothing but cold

it is cold

Make Realism To Learn To Fly

fly high to reach the unreachable incline only to

come down to realism, and make it reachable

isn't a funny game of living to go up to come down?

life is not short as it moves to unite with DNA macrame

for a long journey into the space to find the lost name

fantasy and imagination are the fuel that keeps the journey alive

move to a new galaxy where there are no clinging minds

make the realism so it could learn to fly

Five Gems

clime the mountain but keep the feet on the ground

swim with fish, and dive to seek the inner peace

understand the frailty of life, and keep your sense alive

ambivalence is the way of life for the human mind

communication is as good as the listening mind

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Human Calamity In The Making

heart is heavy

for what is in the air

a drudgery of political sickness

wars are being waged

leaders keep justifying

the trickle economics keeps flying

no trickling in sight

the economic mirarge lives on

the gaps between have and have-knots continue to balloon

making the heart heavy.....

poverty is in the air

majority is not spare

upper minority is doing well

globalization is on the move

poverty is on the rise

States do their sanitizing

by creating highways and byways

bulldozing the slums

to hide the poverty from sight

heart is heavy

what is in the air

a human calamity in the waiting

Psychological Surgeon

social insecurities and tensions are bread

it is a chronic problem that has spread

along the individual surface, and the social horizon

deep inside a social life promoting sick social archetype

apart from massive surgery the solutions are far in between

calamities in individual life some times could open the path

a mile stone of achievement can be set

to resolve the sick individual social archetype

the archetype simmering social insecurities and tension

individual's sick social archetype must not be resolve by scape goating

nor by loathing

nor by self-interest

nor by projection

nor by displaced anger

nor by rejection

nor by disparaging

nor by identification with the aggressor

nor by Skinerian quick fixes

these are some of the psychological reigns that must be disinfected
by a  radical psychological surgeon to be affected

Scape Goat's Stand

social victims are asked to resolve the social victimization

an old social game that has been played over time

a game of sick social values that has no sense and rhyme

sick social values perpetrate social crimes

justification rules

the false prayers sloths abound

rationalization takes it's mighty place in the game

the tension and insecurity that breads in social milieu

must be address in contextual right

can not be addressed by seeking a scape goat

being tired of falsehood portrait to slay the goat

the scape goat has taken a stand

tall and strong standing on the mountain top

eyes sparkle as the scape goat looks around

daring for the wickets to come around

A Day Of Forgiveness

no body can speaks for you better than you

silence will bring nothing but drudgery

don't let the buffoons get away with their buffoonery

speak loud and clear and point to their chicanery

those who benefited from you, and are still benefiting

those who benefited and benefiting and had shown no gratitude

don't let them get away with their lack of gratitude

don't be the enabler for their lack of gratitude

forgive them but don't enable them for their chicanery

forgive them for they were surrounded by the enablers

enablers were hiding their self-interest under the enabling chicanery

forgive the enablers for they do not know any better

forgiveness is right for you not for them

buffoons and enablers will suffer their fate for their chicanery

live life as you have lived all along

with your conscious that has served you for long

oh, my conscious tell me how forgiveness is not a cop out

oh, my conscious tell me how forgiveness is not an enabler

you know your conscious well

conscious is what matter not the answer

forgive them and wish them well

so it be

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Moral Pontification

moral pontifications are cover for immoral deeds

socio-ego dominates the mind of a conflicted swine

gods are created to justify the misdeeds

prayers are offered to spare the guilt

rationalized are the doings to protect the self-interest

morality is biased to it's creator

this is not a mirage or a metaphor

it is a thought provoking heed

moral pontifications are cover for immoral deeds

Neither Calm Or Serene

feel calm yet not serene

mind craves to be alive and love

sadness comes alive to find

that love is rare and difficult to find

most loves are bacterium bound

with no antidote around

searched but not to be found

search for love goes around and around

moments come full with desires, and passion rise

only to be killed by the bacterium device

bacterium are bondage bound

bondage are the bacterium's life line

coming straight from psychosocial sickness cesspool

cesspools are plentiful and abound

sickness kept alive to keep the bacterium alive

bacterium rationalized

justified to keep infected social bonds alive

now I am neither calm or serene

Life's Twisted Insecure Games

life's twisted insecure games

guessed it right:

they are to keep insecurity alive

emotions rise to secure god's device

pray to stay alive

kill to justify

the bonds are built on emotional strides

no rationality justifies

humility is just an another ploy

to place the killing device to deploy

to satisfy the social ego that always comes alive

human relations are built on insecure grounds

to make sure everyone is well bondage to keep alive

never grow or grow up to be secure

stay insecure to be secure

is the name of the game

life's twisted insecure games

build states to wage wars

create xenophobia

to feel secure

bigotry is just another name

for insecure game

life's twisted insecure games

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Time To Be

there was a time

no there is a time

better yet there will be a time

to rhyme with hope not despair

to correct the course

for bright stars to roam

to find the gaiety in living

for the becoming

of being

as they carry on their doing

to be

not just doing

and never be

Human Social Mind Is A Circus Design

human social mind is a circus design

lots of shows, and drums beating around

animals are tamed

the victory of mind over beast claimed

clowns are making their way

to bring laughter in silliest possible ways

to arouse laughter by hiding their face

children laugh

adults cough

as they witness the side show

the show resembles the worldly ways

humans are tamed

as they receive their punishments and rewards

in their hourly wage

the trainers get the applause

for keeping humans tamed

media acts like circus clowns

hiding their face

keeping the humans entertained

for their masters fame

human social mind is a circus design

Psychological Pain

psychological pains are revealing

pains are enlightening

pains are reflective

pains are hurtful

and destructive

moments of pain

bring life's reign

deep inside in gene


to roll

to seek

to be

A Day Of Solemn Resounding

heart is pounding for a passionate sounding

look what is coming around with natures rounding

it was a day of solemn resounding




full of resolve

no letting down

for the worldly clowns

the heart is pounding

mind is grounding

for a resounding

to put misgivings

where they belong

in a dungeon

of no return

Life's Drama

life's dramas are what they are: drama












full with crave

full with grandeur

full with illusions

some times going up

others slipping down

drama nevertheless

a soapy drama

a hockey drama

a cocky drama

a drama to see

a drama of conceit

a drama to control

a drama to free

drama, they are

full of cranky niches

slights the ones clinches the heart

to out pour the smart

what a life, a dramatised delight

life's dramas are what they are: drama

coming through

coming around

into the woods

out of the woods

into the social camouflage

a mirage

nevertheless, a drama

slip into Hollywood

slip into Bollywood

slip into the glamor

to hide the human scavenging clamor

a drama nevertheless

presidential drama

"to be sure" drama

Obama drama

democratic drama

republican drama

drama nevertheless

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An Incomplete Evolution

life is full with self-interest, mutants are going round and round

the muddy flood is all over, move to higher ground

don't let the conscious be diluted and frowned

the culprits are mutants, and live like hounds

their sense is covered with ice as cold as Arctic dice

the real world is conflicted, and does not know how to get around

paths are carved by economic snout

self-interest wins, nothing else count

an everlasting human mind lives in drought

plays games to live, and to make themselves count

a laughing matter until the passing come around

culprits sink, and peace nowhere to be found

until evolution transforms, the stinky molds will rule the ground


suffering may have been claimed in Budha's reign as a living domain

suffering is not what must be sustained in any domain

priests, pundits, imam, or rabbi, no one has used their conscious

the conscious they have used is from their dogma which is ordained

come clear, bring your conscious not dogma to clear the suffering

make the world free from dogmatic churning made for suffering

free the minds from insecure incline that leads to dungeon

suffering must not be ordained

A Wish Of The Day

no hate, no grudge, no delusion may come our way

planet earth to bounce and submerge in milky way

to arouse desires that sooths the hearts every day

to bring in our thoughts a strong streak of marble not of falter clay

no hate, no grudge, no illusion may come our way

it is a wish for the day


the talk of great love is nothing but talk

it is all at the lowest possible denominator, and a rot

based on insecure humanity, and it's decor

every love and admiration for love are covered with ice

splashing, dancing, and rejoicing with hideous minds

a time will come.....humanity will rise, and will create great minds

not a great Cesar or greater than great ideologues but great minds

great minds to bring love to raise heads high above the clouds

not wars, not Hollywood or Bollywood stars, not political hounds

great minds will join the galaxies, and move with grace to touch and feel

not with a greed of envy but a greed of love that sputters Divine fragrance

great minds will bring ultimate serenity in embrace, and fill the desires

talk of love will become not talk but a caressing fulfilled gussying passion

bringing ultimate serenity in inner twine

Monday, January 12, 2009

Self Interest And Mediation

mediation by a mediator and mediator's self interest are not compatible realm

self interest is what it is, a self interest

not right, not wrong, just right in self interest

and self protective ego bound

the milieu, the pretext, and the contextual plight

may shed some light

into a murky ways of intellect's caveat, the self interest

self interest is not going to reap the golden award

self interest is centered into self can not claim the reward

mediate free from self interest to succeed

heed what is right

heed not what is right in self interest

mediation is an altruistic venture

it is not a self interest adventure


guilty as charge

not guilty of doing anything wrong

doing in conscious what is right, is right

may not be perceived as right

may not be politically right

it is right nevertheless, if conscious is right

guilty of charge is a factual matter, a legal matter

not necessarily a matter that is right

once slavery was legally right, but not right

colonial rules were legally right, but not right

make things right

make conscious once again upright

not right what is not right

legal or otherwise.

Life's Creed

the art and the science of navigating in 2009 has not changed, so it seems

more it seems changed

more it remains the same

changes are there

in a million micro rate

some changes are faster than the speed of light

we don't feel the change as we travel the same speed, faster than light

where are we going is a mystery, not a mystery of life

we will know when we get there by the shear science, not in conscious mind

conscious mind is diluted with intelligence, a mutant seed

look pass the horizon as we head into celestial heed

the life's creed

Reckon The Mind In Sublime

some life's realism must not be for evolution to move

they are to stew


and reckon the mind in sublime

human dramas are surface tools for knowing who we are

at the very face what it says, the surface

nothing but a shallow surface

carved by flighty living

emotional embellishments, and ghosts render insight

some grandeur

some blips in the sky

some Micky's delight

some nuisance

some right

some passionate and bright

some out of sight

none meaningless

some horrendous sight

some outright full with slight

none bring the heart's desire to do nothing, but move

remove from surface ghosts

make evolution to move not stew

relish the move


from disgust

surface living drama

some life's realism must not be for evolution to move

they are to stew


and reckon the mind in sublime

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Realism For Keep

perceptions and the world views are miles away

desires and passions are breath away

life brings surprises some times in a strange way

it is better in all realism that some must slip away

perceptions and the world views are miles away

desires and passions are breath away

Saturday, January 10, 2009

To Conjure

hat is a thought that must guide the way?

to laugh the unlaughable

to gear to fear

to clap to sell, and sway

to live and make the way to live the morbid way?

that is not the thought to guide and sway


to live

to cheer

to desire

with passion that comes your way

that is the way

no other way

sit and meditate

to lift the cosmic way

to change

to make

that shines and brings light all the way

to conjure

to make children laugh away

so they can play

and make the new way

to evolve

in searching way

to resolve with passion

a free and better way

Moment's Momentary Ways

moment's momentary ways

let the paths go astray

gone by the night and days

the sparks of light that pierced our way

planetary journey has it's ways

shoot the breeze, and lift your ways

until we meet in passing ways

at no other place but around the milky ways

free from life's humdrum ways

that's the way

there could not be any other ways

the drama of life distorts passion

cutting by edge in piercing ways

live to be free from any bondage that comes your way

bondage is not the freedom that lifts the life

to desire with passion to be in caressing way

enjoy the glaring yet soothing sun rays

A Wish As We Part Our Ways

thanks for bringing passion my way

live your life's happiness as you desire that comes your way

conflicts of minds, and the differing world views darken our way

enjoy moments free from conflicts of mind in every way

some of those moments did come our way

cherish for now until the next day

A New Dawn?

a new dawn comes, and rings the life's bell every day

to change every moment of the night and the day always a mystery

no, that is not the way

let the mystery walk away, and

breath with jest regardless of the night and the day

every breath runs through the body like a breeze across the bay

inviting, caressing, and opening the new way

bringing fresh desires and passions on our way

life is delightful, and refreshing in every way

only to loose it's jest in the myriad mirage of living

that comes our way

Friday, January 9, 2009

Silence Is Not Golden In Every Spheres

live your conscious, nothing else matters

an ideal good for self conscious

but not for living in real world

"moral punditry" has been spread for long

to disguise misdeeds by vilifying others

silence is not golden in every spheres

speak up loud and clear with conscious grace

don't let others vilify you any more

for their misdeeds

the one's they have kept hidden for so long

enjoy the life's blessings, desires, and passion

that comes your way

don't let others misdeeds steal your way

live life in the best possible way

let the conscious evolve in every moment of the day

An Empty Cage

human life has become an empty cage

full of social, political, and economic rage

rage is raging
for all the lost time under the trickle rhyme

globalization is hear

to widen the have and the have-knot ramp

under the moral mirage, and camouflage of

flashy media song and dance

keeping the rest entertain

what a game

that has fooled humanity for long

to live in an empty cage.


live to commemorate

to rousing life's skate that

runs down the cascade

gets a splash of fresh zeal.............

I just lost my thought

for don't know what

it is a game of life

I am goig to run to catch the fresh breeze

for a new thought that has a jest

any thing else won't do

thought be with me

to build a lasting game

for a journey to space

with love

that understands heart

not a playful social after thought

I am off to redeem what has been lost

years ago

Planetary Mind

human mind is a

craving in design



wandering, and


human mind is

covered with social icing

camouflaged with culture clippings





human mind is

filled with psychological razing





human mind is a

cellular design

making circular rampage

regardless of it's shape.

human mind

is a piece of work

it is a mass

it is a speeding race

moving in space at a high speed

to eject to reach out to the next creed

to heed, only to never cede.

planetary mind is

making a new design

to get away

from the hovering human mind,

a false design

crushing the planet

in sight, and in mind.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

War A Psychotic Drama

media pundits are at the war game

speaking like the masters in name

talking and writing about

just war

avoidable war

haste war

defense war

when all fails

talk war by analogy

to defend war

to rationalize war.

no body is talking that

war is a war

an end result of human sickness

to kill to live

to dominate to survive

to hoard to cover the needier need

to build walls

to build arsenals

to live in walled compound

to keep the "trash" out

moralist shout

exhibitionists go on media game

to make money from commercials,

the commercials the complicit in war game.

it is time to evolve

get over the war game

throw away the dominance reign

throw away the "moral" facade

can't you see

never mind......

must be blinded by the sight

the sight covered with frosts of all kind

religion garbs, political snarls are just the tip of the iceberg

war is what war is: a dreadful menace

a hindrance to humanity

a psychotic drama

Wars, The Game Of Power And Control

wars, the game of power and control

hideous game of resource grabbing

worker bee making

war games are nothing but revolting

it shows the incomplete side of humanity

the ideologues rule

they are ruling buffoons, yet they rule

they need power to hide their insecure streak

always dreaming and planning the hideous game

covering up with song and dance

with ceremonies and fancy words

every war game player has blood in their hands

civilians go on shopping

so the waring lords can have enough in their coffer

for no other purpose but to globalize the rest

for their conquest

until the next

A Chipmunk Day

a thought just flashed





what has gone round

the silliness of the sound

it is not silly!

it is chipmunk's streak

a playful move

over and above across the snow

to catch the fresh breeze

oh, look chipmunk sneeze

he is hyperactive with short attention

but it is not a disease as humans feel

he does not need Ritalin

he is free

never seen a chipmunk so playful

it has brought a new day

to think and feel to make a better play

A Wish For The Day

awakened in an unawakened world to see, and grill

to see what has been shown in public relation drill

political drama is on to secure a few, and make the rest to pay

it is what it is: the work of political artistry for the day

education is not what is in the mill

schooling rise, coercion rules, and brings chill

public relation and media drama goes on in a lasting way

to seize thoughts to convert in a "desired" way

wake up and open hearts and minds

make humanity to last, not grind

have fun with what universe has brought

do not destroy the universal delight

wake up and fill the planet with joyful harvest

do not rest until the planet is full with jest

to move forward in an awakened world

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Conscious Dismay

the day emerges as the darkness of the night passes away

only to bring the darkness of the day

the day begins with conscious dismay

with dramas on the media bay

drumming up the right of way

for some

others are working away

so some can dance away

there is no morning news any more

it is all games and shows

keep everyone entertained

so political and economic ponzi gamers can slip way

with the prize of the day in the darkness of the day.

Beyond Media Stint

what we see

what we feel

what we think

is not what is seeing, feeling, and thinking is

what we see is the media game

an economic mirage

a political camouflage

that keeps us occupied and entertained

to work and be drained

to make us see what is on media to see

stealing us from seeing, feeling, and thinking

no one to blame but our stupidity

failing ourselves from seeing, feeling, and thinking

our thoughts, seeing, and feelings are hijacked

no one to blame but our lazy streak

failing ourselves from seeing, feeling, and thinking

finding solace in easy, cheap, and quick fixes

transform and see

transform and feel

transform and think

to transcend beyond the daily mirage

there is a life to live

there is a life to see

there is a life to feel

there is a life to think

beyond the media stint

Experience Life, Not Delusions

the brain is not a life

brain is a mechanical device

life lives and passes through

as it orbit's the galaxies

remnants of life come alive

in our self

in our thoughts

in our feelings

in our science

thanks to brain

our mechanical device

that has made our experience to divulge

in conscious mind

beyond mechanical device in real time

there are remnants of life diluted




by our ideologue delusions

live, and

experience life, not delusions

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Act And Be

drill to fill

the corporate grill

the human shrill

it is not a love for the planet

it is a torture that has come alive

pollution is every where

planet has endured enough of torture

make the planet to come alive

so we could breadth with smile

be able to touch the core of planetary life

see stars in the sky with bare eyes

remember, we are a planetary life

imagine life without pollution

there is no polarity

life is a singularity

evolving to be wholesome

so it could be

an evolved being

make it to be

free from all pollutants

no matter what they are:

social, psychological, political, chemical

pollutants are pollutants

no matter how you slice

no cleaver political game will suffice

A Reality To Hope

human desires are crushed and molded with anger

there is a display of facade behind vanity and physical pleasure

a drama rampant in daily social-culture niceties and grandeur

good hearts are covered with cold frost of living

moments of love and affection rise to fall to mold and anger

morning arise

brings light with new rays

let us hope human specie survives a little longer

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Convoluted Talk

a convoluted talk

carved it's way in a love play

talk came to displace pain and blame

there was a dread behind the facade of fun

it was a security game in reign

no fun but lies clogged in mental drain

life was smothered in neurotic guilt

desire for love lost

passion covered with frost

ambivalence abound

anxiety surrounds

love lost that was found

hope it will come around

humanity yet to evolve beyond it's insecure living

to experience a transformed love

a love free from greed and need

a love free from it's smothering milieu and resolve

love to come and evolve

to transcend

to be

Reality To Be That Not To Be

love is in pain

bringing anguish, and disdain

moments of life must not be

for those who bring pain

engage in emotional black mail

play games

insecure hearts throb

no matter how often it is robed

is love a sick game?

a game of spiritual sleaze

or it is what it is: not love but a sick love to please

social ego, and insecure need

get away to feel, and love

heed to your heart, away from sleaze

seek from inside where cell live and die

to keep you alive

live and love

not love to live

keep away from sleaze, and guilt play

get somewhere where no one smarts

find love no matter what

there is hope for a seeker

or it is all nothing but a mirage

Be And Be

life is playful

when it wants to be

be is the key

what else?

no need

no creed

no seed

no greed

no envy

but love to heed

to live, and love

to be

Journey Or No Journey Into Space

time to move into horizon to scape?

horizon is not a place to scape

no need to scape from life's sojourn

why scape?

horizon is what we need

to explore

to love

and be

there are new paths unexplored

sing, dance, and rejuvenate

drink the wine

be rose and compose

or loose and decompose

it is all loose chatter

an avoidance from the inevitability of life

the bondage noose

that comes with packaged caboose

reflect and enjoy

don't forget to see who has been, and still is around

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Row And Flow

the world has been full with simmering hurts covered with ever lasting defense

social living has been playing the game of revivals, the ever lasting hence

churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues have been collecting counter alms ever since

no resolutions around

lots of "fun" abound

transient reliefs play out

until the next blow out

a living drama that never runs out

self created mirage dominates the world

illusions of grandeur run deep

"god" plays it's role steeper than steep

priests bestowing meaning in a meaningless streak

sights are blinded by sociopolitical economic glow

witness the drama as you know

row into the stream as you flow

Saturday, January 3, 2009

War Wages On

war wages on

insecurity tightening

humans are fighting

bombs and rockets are lightening

diplomacy is slighting

humans are crippling

their destiny on their own

inflicting pain on themselves

angers are mile long

grievances are old

life is nothing but cold

Volcanic Ash

a tenuous life

rides on

gripes on

sizzles on

in the blackhole of nothing.

the grips of anxiety

the life's experience

grids on

to relieve

to express

non expressible thoughts

in expressions of nothing

that matters.........

life's games keep sputtering

for shallow rendering

like a volcanic ash

Unmet Needs

party is to hype

life is not ripe

skids the slide

like life's ride

shallow and dim

not full to any rim

Identification With The Aggressor

purpose ingrained

acculturation grind

aggressor rhymed

the game of state

the controlling scale

tipped to control life

no win life's trails

to be found

hear the sound

look around

it's the game of living

no peace

it's all caprice

Transforming Moments

life experienced pain again

identification is the name of the game

humanity is full with pain

how to loosen our pain?

it is a life's drain

how to make ourselves happy again?

guilt rules the life's counts

the knots tightens the living

smiles covers the hidden pains

how to take away the pain

paths clear with coming rain

an omen that every thing passes away

life transforms once again

live now, and shake the pain

enjoy the serene again