Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Body: The Matters Design

the body the matters design

skates and scales the planetary ride.

the beauty of the dusty, crusty, sun rays

spreading across the horizon.

the simmering breeze flows

to bring the body the life of passion,

the matter desire.

the body the matter's design

a lofty design

a crafty design

it is a design

to master the planetary race

in it's evolving grace.

the body the matter's design

has purpose in mind

in it's every particle grind

to be, and evolve

in expanding universe resolve.

the body the matter's design

cajoling the nerves the matter

scattered in matter's mind

as it takes ride in a solar delight.

The Helium Grace

look around and find the matters design

the particles of all kind mixing up and around

the moon, the mars, and the varied solar sparks

are crating the matter up in the sky.

the dust bowl, the hauling of solar scrolls lighting up

the planetary space.

the matter the mind's guiding post is being a host

to witness the speeding encrypting race.

it is the matter that matters in all matters

in every ions scattered to fold and unfold

in the planetary evolution to meet the goal

to continue the continuum of expanding universe

for now and forever in the helium grace.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Money Moguls of Our Time

this is just an another day.

the recession is digging it's heel.

the money moguls are doing well.

they are protected by the loopholes,

the rule of the law, and the GOP.

insurance monopoly is out of reach.

the big banks are stabilized by Paulson scheme.

the wall street is off again to play the securities, and

the derivative game.

G-20 has vowed to "fix" the economy.

money moguls are happy once again.

this is just an another day.

no different than the other day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Short Human Mind History on Planetary Plain

the birth and the death are two words

defined and redefined, just like all other words.

the dawn, and the dust are serene in their ravine.

the birth and the death are not as clear and pristine.

the minds and the thoughts render premise slots

to define and redefine the words over time.

there is no profundity in defining the concepts of mind.

the needs, the wants, and the unknown paths carve

the grounds for defining the concepts of mind, so it seems.

the mind a product of evolving defining moments

has it's own design embedded in living political stream.

birth and death are two momentary events

propelling life in two spheres.

the one is known to mind as the mind deems it to perceive,

the other is a mystery of it's kind.

the "known" and the mystery sets the tone

for the living political stream.

the religion, the state, and the rest of political reigns

play the life's poker game.

the winners define the game, and

the losers lose their fame.

the birth and the death are two words

the poker winners are defining the words names.

humans are getting what is expect from a gambling game:

a gambling mind with compulsion surreal surname, and

lots of Los Vegas song and dance, and desert mirage.

a short human mind history on planetary plain.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Falsehood of Living Screen

I sleep, and I dream

that planetary ride is a scream.

wobbling stars conjure

universe cajoles and spreads it's move

in every living being as their hearts beat.

songs are cradled in every planetary ravine

to be sung to fill every heart day and night,

now and then in every moment of the day.

I woke up from the dream land, and

viewed the media screen.

the songs on the screen are shallow.

the talks on the screen are mean.

the business of life is treacherous.

united nation is playing the political game.

wall street is breeding the gamblers.

states are plotting the war games.

nothing has changed since the last time I was awake.

I sleep, and I dream

that planetary ride is a scream.

only to be awakened to the falsehood of the living screen.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Progressive Evolution Play

the progressive evolution play is making it's way

through the conflicting chatter of the day.

the chatter of the day sounds no different

then what it was the other day.

greed and economic war fares are on display.

media lies are spreading.

ignorance is creeping like a plague.

xenophobia is digging in deep to

surface every where like a heap.

human values are devalued

in the name of value game.

the right, and the left

inner conflicts are on a rampage

like no other seen in recent days.

among all the conflicts, polarities and confusion

there is hope, and a directional leap.

the chatter sound of the day is changing.

the progressive thoughts are flowing.

thoughtful feelings of care are taking root.

survival of the fittest has a progressive clay.

the progressive evolution is in the play.

human minds are conflicting minds like volcanic divides

sharing in common to free up the pent up Fahrenheit

to grow, to flow, to cool, and to reach.

a progressive yearning to be,

and reach out is what it takes

for a life to live and survive.

survival is not a bravo game.

survival of the fittest has a progressive clay.

the progressive evolution is in the play.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Destiny An Obsolete Name

there is nothing idle in the universe.

neither thoughts nor feelings are on constant plain.

the change is the life's rule.

it is no gain or a strain.

the constant move is the simple rule.

the universe is on the move.

the change is the planetary game.

making destiny an obsolete name.

The Matter It Is....

it is the matter's time.
the matter it is
rolling around
making sound
as it goes around.

the matter it is
it is a planetary clown
making moves
as it snooze
in an expanding dusty,
crusty, musty
planetary cruise.

the matter it is
in a tiny particle sling
to form to deform, the form.

the matter it is
no matter of denying
the everlasting life of
matter the divine.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Nomads

the joy

the sorrow

the pain

the pleasure

the sense

the sensation

the mind

all are nothing

but nomads

in the universe

clustered in

bodies of spheres,

the matter.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Darkened Land

once I cried as I missed a love afar

the face I missed.

the holding of hands slipped.

the distance kept us apart.

time filled the void.

life took the voyage.

to a far far distance land.

a land where......

the shores were sparkling.

the mountains were majestic.

the rivers flowed deep and wide.

the springs were plentiful.

yet among all it's beauty

the land was in a perpetual war

with itself, and unsatisfied.

the machines were rampaging.

pollution was growing.

acid rain was spreading across the sky.

chemicals were polluting towns, and

the peoples mind.

the land was getting darkened by the day.

it was a disheartening sight.

the voyage came to an end,

so I sat, ruminated, and cried once again

for a loss of an another love.

Feelings, Thoughts, And Absurdities

I thought, and found

a mind filled with the logic race.

I felt, and found

the passion that I had never felt before.

once my feelings were subdued

by technocratic meanderings,

and acculturated cuddling.

I moved with grace, and

stood tall in a lifeless race.

I had become a thoughtful

walking schooled robot,

a rationalized charcoal slate.

the life moved, and brought

not one but two unexpected rewards.

feelings returned, the love graced, and then

I became afraid of what I saw around me.

the nations are waring.

the religions are preaching not talking

the bigotry is roaming from shore to shore.

education is losing, and schooling is taking hold.

the science is funneled into making bombs.

the good science is monopolized, packaged, and sold.

the wall street is packaging false securities, and

dangling the hallow derivative games.

trickle down economy is on rampage, and

running it's wicked course.

among all this there was a glamor of hope.

that kept my feelings fresh, and the thoughts sane.

two faces of love mystified me as they faced the world.

acculturated cuddling of the past had come to terms.

the mountains had their heads up.

the oceans were racing to embrace the shore.

the plains were graced with springs,

fresh breeze, and flowering trees.

feelings and thoughts merged, and

roared through my veins as one.

I now feel, think, and feel the breeze.

alas, the absurdities of life remain.

among all the beauty, love, and the grace.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Wish For The Day

a day that has a name is restless and awake.

lives are planned by the days and by the names.

characterization is a human spider web

to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.

the brain subdued, and the mind surfaced

to monopolize the days and the names.

the rest is the history and

the herstory of warfare and the states.

the armies have marched, killed, and brutalized the mass

all in name of a god or a state or

in an ironic moral indignant thought.

a day that has a name is restless and awake.

the day wants to change the rules of the game

to free itself from human spider web.

the mind the ideologue fights the change, and

wants to keep the waring game the same.

the economy comes in play

the totum poe takes the reign

trickle down economy makes it's way

globalization spreads it's way

to make the world a unipolar maze.

human spiders are on the move.

money moguls are united, and

have bought the congress and the senate, and

have socialized the loss, and

privatized the profit.

a day that has a name is restless and awake

lives are planned by the days and by the names

characterization is a human spider web

to baptize, ideologies, and acculturate the human brain.

the day wants to change the rules of the game, and

wishes to free itself from the human spider web.

it is a hope that a wish of a wish of the day to change, and
be free to come every dawn of the day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Dream

I dream to live, and live to dream.

it is a fancy or a fanciful dream.

Rollin, my daughter's fish eats, swims, and sleeps

does he dream? that I do not know.

why do I dream?, I wonder.....

mind wonders, and wonders away

on a planetary slope there is life's skate,
skate it is to roll away.

my dream dreams to roll once again.

life sways in a hollow space

to race to no other place but in space.

a serene voice comes my way
the voice I had heard some time ago

the voice refreshed my dream to dream

where we met once and never met again

it is the dream that keeps dreams alive.

I do not want to lose my dream.

so, I dream

to dream until we meet again
I know you are out there

to dream the dream that we never dreamed

to be intertwine in our dream for a passion

that dreams nothing but the dream.

Human Right, A Modern Game

human right has become a global political drama.

human right is used to hide one's sin to scale the other,

a human mind game that never ends to amaze.

all states are guilty of human rights violations.

some states are blatant in their acts.

some are cleaver in hiding or denying their sin.

human right is a modern political ping pong reign.

waging wars for human right is the name of the game.

human mind is a sick design.

human right the name is a game.

it is a deadly political viral strain.

it is a UN conundrum.

it is a democratic cinema.

it is a parliamentary panorama.

it is a statehood drama.

human right is any thing but right in our time.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Washington Post And The New York Times The Business Czars of The Year

there are perpetual czars

for corporate business bazaar.

writing stories is their business.

"journalists" do their betting.

perpetual czars are out and about.

public option is their target.

so insurance industry can flourish, and

wall street can bundle the securities derivatives.

perpetual czars are cleaver players.

they write stories with flares.

they have news bureau across the globe.

their "journalists" are crisp and mysterious.

perpetual czars trade their stocks on wall street.

publish wall street trades in their column.

they have critiques for everyone but themselves.

there are perpetual czars

for corporate business bazaar.

commentary plus has picked

Washington Post and New York Times

the business bazaar czars of the year.

New York Times is A Tricky Mouthpiece

New York time is a tricky mouthpiece.

it serves the state and the corporate needs.

it's cover is liberal, a facade in display.

the NYT's is spreading it's wings across the globe.

the editorial board conceals it's members name.

the NYT is a mysterious illusive game.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Day in The Park

yesterday was Saturday, a rainy day.

a park in Tampa was alive and well.

under the shelters

people were picnicking,

cooking meals, and

sharing the day in their love and healing display.

at an another edge of the park

there was a political rally.

people were gathered to support a health plan.

data collectors were signing up.

there was a hard work at hand.

life is insecure and in need.

health care is the heed.

people were talking, and

sharing the day in their shared empathy display.

at a far, far distance land there was another rally,

a political rally alike the rally at the park.

goals were different yet the needs were the same.

people were gathered to derailed the health plan.

data collectors were singing up.

there was a hard work at hand.

life is insecure and in need.

health care is the heed.

people are angry, and

sharing the day in their anger display.

across the globe the money moguls are having a day.

playing the people and the states to serve their power base.

collecting data about the groups and individual insecure needs.

money making is the heed.

money moguls are in control, and

sharing the day with greed and control in display.

the nature of evolution is at work.

consistent with the ambiance of ambivalence

politics of life is surreal.

basic emotions are played.

ignorance a valued commodity is raked.

love, empathy, anger, and greed are relayed.

speeches are delivered.

G-20 are geared here and there.

wars are on the display.

in sharing each group believes that:

the survival is at stake.

who will win in the play?

the nature of evolution will relay...............

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Away From Fascists Games

I wish our minds were in line with planetary discourse.

the human mind games are cleaver, surreal, and insecure indeed.

the universe and the planet is real as it evolves to be.

the planetary matters move, and are dazzling clear.

I look for the passions to rule to make life desirous and cool.

I dream for a sojourn free from "cleaver" and "surreal" deceit.

I wish the minds to be free from insecure fascists games.

I wonder when it will be, or it is all a fancy delirious dream.

a noise from out side distract my thoughts.......

a deer has passed by in my dream.

the nature is calling it's lost particle, that's me

to live for what it has to be...............

I am awaken by the day's call.

eyes barely open

mind screens the dream

fresh breeze from the window

reminds me that it is real to be.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Tribute to Susan, Megan, Alison, Francine And The Like

America's best are on the move,

to accept the challenge, and

the question of our time:

if the brotherhood and equal justice under the law has been

considered an American ideal.

how could an equal health care under the law

not be considered an American ideal?

the country is in danger of losing it's ideal.

equal justice without care is a hollow dream.

the call is out for a change.

Susan, Megan, Alison, Francine and the like are engaged.

America's best are striving for the perfect union once again.

Delutional And Drenched

the country is skating on a thin ice.

democrat are stumbling in game.

republicans have no shame.

the blue and the red are delusional and drenched.

money moguls and sultans are united and raking.

commercials are colorful, masking, and misleading.

weapon sales are on rise.

profits and bonus are safe and soring.

extremists of all kind are on the move.

the rest are occupied and mesmerized

by the media reign.

education is turning to schooling,

an indoctrination master claim.

the country is skating on a thin ice.

democrat are stumbling in game.

republicans have no shame.

the blue and the red are delusional and drenched.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Day

a groovy day

a crazy day

a hazy day

a neurotic day

a foolish day

a pleasant day

a serpent day

a dancing day

a romancing day

a snoozing day

a cruising day

a losers day

a winners day

a warriors day

a stupid day

a depressed day

a psychotic day

a nervous day

a hilarious day

a day of nothing

a day of something

a day that comes and goes

a day that sticks around

a day

a day

a day with ray

a day with shining spray

it is a day like any other day

waiting for an another day

the waiting

the wasting

the rusting

the crusting

a gusty day

stop screaming, and

wake up to

have a shiny day.

Let The Schooling Slide And Education Be The Longing of Our Time

what it is to be:

education or schooling?

one expands the scope of mind

the other limits how much to shine

schooling limits to the needs of a time

education expands beyond the frames of time.

schooling, if it imagines, imagines in it's time

education frees the imagination for all time

schooling is a present technocratic device

education is an all time creative slice.

schooling is an acculturation process

education is a transformational process

schooling's side effects include dogma

education's side effects include a change in dogma.

schooling is a technocratic vocational venture

education is an inclusive, and a creative adventure

schooling shapes the brain in a preconceived mold

education broadens the perspective as it unfolds.

schooling sees the stars

education perceives the stars.
schooling rotes the drills
education promotes the thrills.

let the education shine, and

the schooling slide by the side.

let the education be the longing of our time.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Life Is A Joke, A Funny Joke

Life is a joke, a funny joke.

it is bound in a yoke,

a cultured yoke.

it is a delusional stroke.

it is a two legged dork.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it plays funny games.

it loans the politicians a one sided brain.

it blesses the new mafias:

the wall street and the media to lie in style, and

steal the IRA with flare and fame.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it wages wars in the name of peace.

it invokes gods to free itself from guilt.

it kills, and offers prayers to eat the kill.

life is a joke, a funny joke.Check Spelling

it is a self interest maverick.

it is a devotional freak.

it is an exhibitionist geek.

it is a cultured brain washed

darkened hokes.

what else is left for the life but to be funny,

a freakish funny.

life is funny to bring Saturday night live alive

to hide life's glazed sharp edged razed rage

to wash Palin's suffrage, Hillary's hidden rage, and

Bill's craze.

life is a joke, a funny joke.

it is bound in a yoke,

a cultured yoke.

it is a delusional strokes.

it is a two legged dork.

A Labor Day Morning

I slept late for no other reason but to sleep late,

a nirvana's choice I must say.

nirvana sleep has been bartered away by the karmic labor call.

so, I must be awakened to do the karma's deed to fulfill the living needs.

I am awake and glued to labor day TV news.

media clowns are spreading the ignorance so dogmas can flourish, and

clowns can get paid and be nourished to do their deeds again and again.

money monarchs have hired the lobbyists to buy the congress to do their deeds.

extremists are enjoying the new found spread of weapon sale, and

so are the "civilized" states making the sale.

should I go back to sleep or watch this living game?

conflicted mind is not helping the brain.

brain's serotonin and dopa are drained by the living games.

so I decided to go back to sleep once again.

a labor day morning karma call for labor can wait for an another day.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life's Move

brain shrinks not as it is believed

memory slips not as it is creed.

thoughts fade not as it is decreed.

feelings slide not as it is deemed.

brain, memory, thoughts, and feelings are

in assist to make the universe expand.

life and love are eternal...............

it has been said many times before

so live and spread the wings, and

take the planetary ride.

nothing else matters

as life makes it's move

to speed the flash

of sprinkles of stars

to be in planetary race

to scale the pace

as universe expands

in a hollow space

to greet life's move

into the space.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Path

I tumbled, fumbled, and rumbled

in the world of dibs, clubs, and fibs.

then found the glaciers move

the mountains rise

peacock sound

the forest song

the desert heat

the planetary playful deeds

the drip of rain forest speak

touching the deep down the core of life

a blossoming life

a passionate life

a desirous life

seeking the heart of a divine

not to be found

in a G-20 covered shroud

life tumbled, fumbled, and rumbled

in the world of dibs, clubs, and fibs.

A New Human Being Is Shaping

A new globalized DNA is in the making.

A new human being is shaping.

A being who lives to work, and

adores to pay tax so states can wage wars.

A being who is crazy about borrowing money

so the mortgage based securities can grow, and

the bonuses can flow.

A being who wraps it's soul in insurance wrap

to feed the wall street need.

A being who loves fossil fuel for all it's needs.

A being who loves to vote for "democracy"

to get the trickle down alms.

The new DNA will espouse to live not:

to sleep

to dream

to learn

to love, nor to

live for health care reform

that cares..........

The new DNA will espouse that:




loving, and

not borrowing

are not good for the wall street's growth, nor

these "unproductive" behaviors are good for the GNP.

So, the new DNA will transform

human being into human resource to be mined.

So they will work, and work more.

So they will borrow, and borrow more.

So they will sleep less, and less frequent.

So they will dream less, and not often.

So they will learn less, love less, and

make the wall street grow, and

enable the states to wage wars.

In return they will be blessed with

the trickled down alms.

The new global DNA is in the making.

A new being is shaping.