Friday, December 26, 2008

Winning Game

everyone wants to be a winner

in a living game where losers are needed for the winner

for every winner there are numbers of losers

what a game of life which seeks losers to be winner

the games are glamorized

Olympics ceremonies are sermonized

the end game remains the same

for many to lose for some to win

a depressing game

a sickening game, nevertheless a game

could there be a winning game?

for everyone

or it is a fantasy

a dream

a false hope

in a world where games create losers and winners

is there an alternate path?

or it is all fancy dream

in a world where survival is the name of the game

so, live and evolve

transcend survival

to a greater game

the winning game

not in name

but to sustain

not for one

but for all

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