Monday, December 22, 2008



to make a reach

to thee

it has been long since we have been

in our embrace

in our desires

in our longing

what is keeping us away

is it the creepy doubt?

that the embrace

the desire

and the longing we experienced were not ours

or our own inept evolution

bumping around in a senseless time, to mutate

or time is what we need for our embrace to be Divine

is it all nothing but rambling?

a disturbing streak

coming to keep us away

or we are so far away

that we are meeting only in our figments of imagination

our imaginations meet in imagination

and disappoint again, and again

or we have never met

or met, and gone away

till next time

or we have met, and have forgotten our ways

it is us not the world that comes in our way

destiny you are strange

your games are strange

do you exist?

or is it all existence of fantasy and imagination?

fantasy and imagination, an existence indeed

the one I would not like to dream

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