Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Thought

roads are clear after stormy snow storm

storm came and spread it's white wing

to awaken the senses of our being

to make the planet a silvery delight

I ran out and walked down the hill

to see and feel the flakes coming down

flakes are on their way to kiss the earth

with devotion in remembrance of their path

flakes path which began in misty vapor

the vapor traveled through and around the sky

hovering and dancing up and down to learn and evolve

dance went on for quite some time

now flakes are completing a journey

and coming back to embrace the earth

a return

a peaceful return

watching flakes return

is like watching life's run

a small vapor off to fly

to see the colorful horizon

to return

for no other purpose

but to embrace the earth

and live to be

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