Monday, December 29, 2008

Hope To No Where

how could you hope for when there is no hope

reactions and the counter reaction abound

heart pains

talks go round and round

ego building is in the making

defense mechanisms controlling

the sense to be, if there is any left to be

the thoughts are convulsing

the feelings not to be

war among sexes at display

lots of displaced anger

not hidden any more

how could you hope when there is no hope

denial can not brush off the obvious

suckers are chosen

kept until needier needs are met

self egos are brushed

all others are crushed

it is a soap game at it's best

how could you hope when there is no hope

all this is done under the cover of good faith

needs compel to seek and relate

relationships are made fake

under the disguise of good faith

it is a self destruct game

humanity has learn to engage

how could you hope when there is no hope

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