Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thoughts Are Like A Water Stream

thoughts are like a water stream

some clear

some muddy

some swirling

some in a hurry

some bubbly and curly

some shallow and slippery

some deep and drowning

some meander around

stuck and soaked in ground

some hold the creative beavers

some let them go and flow

thoughts are like a water stream

soaked yet fresh

choosing new shores

plucking new twigs here and there

tag along the old, if they care

select new plateau as it meanders into human plains

down from the hill to see the new horizon

to meet new lives on the shore like meandering other streams

melting and cutting into the streams sojourn

thoughts learn from stream never to stop from flowing

thoughts like streams move from unknown to knowing

thoughts meet it's ocean as it flows into it for its ultimate growing

thoughts are like a water stream


caressing and cajoling life's stones

roaming under the sky

through the living forest and thickest

brushing and clearing the path

to rush to meet the grounding on the shore

to evolve from it's sojourn

as they meet and embrace the planetary shore

thoughts are like a water stream

to flow, bubble, and scream.

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