Sunday, December 21, 2008

Human The Buffoon

splendors and wonders are many in nature's corridors

to see and behold in our soul

we being the nature's buffoon

who is ripping off the splendor sooner than soon

can't we think of any other better ways to live

shame on our being

it is a challenge to our manhood and womanhood

to face up to our incompetence that we can not think any other better ways to live

but to rip nature's splendor sooner than soon

justifications are many

none better than rationalized crummy

to full the tummy

with cancer causing crumbs

dripping from natures ripped heart

drop by drop

to rid us all

come to our senses

open our door

bring new science

resolve treacherous doing

so we could be left with our being

to evolve

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