Saturday, October 31, 2009

Matter's Desirous And Passionate Domain

the sun is up, and the machine is throwing the heat.

I am doing nothing that matters the least.

walking, stumbling, and rambling

are the thematic routine for the day.

the matters are doing their relay.

the deer are running to save their lives.

the hunters are in their four wheel drives.

life is chasing the hunters in over drive.

the hunt is on in the planetary reign.

the life's games in ionic terrain

are shaping the universe for the hunting game.

the day gets the brighter sun and it's rays

as it aroused the matters to play.

I, the matters destined crown is the ego game

is being awakened to do it's round.

I and the matter are one and the same

the dopa, the serotonin, and the rest

are the game.

I is a matter's composite name,

a desirous and passionate domain.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

World Hunger And It's Genome

how to feed?

how to seed?

in a world of cowardly deeds?

political minds are feeding, and

seeding the misdeeds.

religiosity and the extremism

have become the human creed.

how to feed?

how to seed?

in a world of profiteering

from the feed and the seed.

how to feed?

how to seed?

in a world of schooling

that teaches the drilling,

the technocratic curling, and

spreading ignorance

in the name of education spree.

the brain is snaring and daring but is slow

to feed and the seed

as it evolves among the deafening

monopoly money pomp and shows, and

the extremists holy grills.

what is to do?

the question is ringing

in a hollow space

to keep up with the profiting race.

how to feed?

how to seed?

the peace seed

in insecure


human minds feed.

is it time to drop the question?

and wait for the evolution to do it's deed, or

join the money gamers and their deed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A New Spree: Longing For The Unseen

it's raining in Adirondack.
the rain is drumming the tin roof
in an asynchronous dripping shrill.
the forest is awake.
the wind is calm.

the silence is broken in tandem in time
with every rain drops falling in random,
the nature's music is in play.

inside the house the washing machine is doing it's thing.
it is a machine, a lifeless technical machine.
the machine is hooked up to the electrical outlet.
the electricity is coming from the nation's grid.
it is like the cow's milk is coming from the grocery store
you do not know it's source,

it's a game of living relay.
the rain is picking up it's stream.
the clouds are circling in their menacing spree
to soak the forest before it snows.

the winter is coming.
the rain is falling.
the machine is doing it's thing.
life in Adirondack is not what it used to be.
life now is a twitter's twit, and
a facebook friendship regime.

facebook life is to follow people you don't know, and
let yourself being followed by those you have never seen.
it is a new syndrome of the upcoming human lving spree.
it is interactive and better than TV, so to speak.
now at least you can write and read, and
twit, and make friends whom you may never meet.
a 21st century longing for the unseen.............

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A World of Many Things Made of The Same Thing: The Matter.

it's a funny world

it is a strange world

it is a goofy world

it is a world of craze

it is a warring world

it is a peace loving world

it is a business world

it is a world of greed

it is a mafia world

it is a world of hypocrite

it is a world of buffoons

it is a world of saints

it is a world of Buddhas

it is a world of suicide bombers

it is a world of atom bombers

it is a world of science

it is a world of matter

it is a genomic world

it is a world of healers

it is a world of killers

it is a world of good deeds

it is a world of talk shows

it is a world of commercials

it is a world of many things

it is not a world of the same things

it is a moving world

it is a world of revolution

it is a world of evolution

it is a changing world

nothing profound

it is a world of love

it is a world of hate

it is a world of contradictions

it is a world of confusion

it is a world of sea of holy

it is a world of holy grail

it is a world of bloodshed

nothing profound

it is what is:

it is a world of hounds

it is a world of marry go round

it is a world of many things

but made of the same thing: The Matter.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Life of Mind

enjoy the planet's beauty,

the beauty of your own, and worry less.

life of mind is too short for anything else.

the mind is clogged by the living renderings.

the brain is evolving, and

fighting the renderings,

the mind's short falls,

the insecure living.

it is the mind's failing not to realize

what is around, and what it is to be.

it is the evolving breeze that is around

to lift the brain into the stars

to intertwine with the swirling

planetary play

beyond the living renderings,

the worrying cause.

so, enjoy, and worry less

the life of mind is too short for any thing else.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hunger is Torture

billions adults and children suffer hunger torture every day.

Geneva convention protects waring tortures, and

does not consider hunger a torture.

Geneva convention is bound by the rule of law, and

hunger is not in convention's content claw.

similar fallacy reigns at human rights council.

freedom from hunger is not a human right in council's call.

deprivation of life, liberty, and property

is considered human rights violation.

food deprivation causing billions go hungry

is not considered rights violation.

aren't we "humane", "smart", and "civilized"?

the talk of moral danger is nothing but a hallo talk.

a duplicitous talk

a hypocrite talk

a morally repugnant talk

an airways meaningless song and dance

the journalist editorial game.

hunger is a torture.

the States, the UN, the Rights watchdogs, and

the their politics of hunger are complicit, and

so are the rest of us.

Here And Now

sleep, dream, and awake are nature's trait.

neither skips it's natural desire to be.

it is my heart that desires to sleep and dream

to be awaken to seek the passion that is to be.

the planet earth is a place it is to be.

to desire the life that it is to be.

the imaginary fancy is nothing but a fancy.

life is now, or it is never to be.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Fallen Water

the water falls are the nature's authentic scene.

they fall with grace.

there is no regression trace.

the water falls fall, and

with every fall they roar and flow

in never ending passion to grow.

the fall, no matter how high and the steep,

is no deterrent to the flow, and to grow.

the fallen water meanders

in and around the mountains, and the valleys.

the fallen water rejuvenates life

as it moves, seeps, and springs.

the fallen water, never asks for anything but

to flow, and with every flow to seep, spring, and grow.

the fallen water..........

an authentic scene.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Freedom From Hunger is Not A Human Right?

as the billionaires grow, and so does the hunger.

freedom from hunger is not a human right.

hunger has no wall street power, and no voting right.

billions go hungry in our time, and

the political drama of human rights goes on.

states accuse each other for human rights violations

while ignoring their own rights violations.

no bailout for the hungry is in sight.

where is the human rights council for the freedom from hunger?

where are the political human rights activists to free the planet from hunger?

where are the states playing the human rights game?

oh, I forget that the states are warring the extremists, and

the extremists are warring the states and spreading ignorance.

who is to care about the billions going hungry every night?

oh, I am wrong again not to know that there are do gooders, and

the UN game players trickling down their alms for the hungry.

isn't amazing that as the billionaires grow, and

the trickle down alms grow so grows the hunger?

is there some connection and complicity in all of this?

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Reality

the dreams have been the dream of the dreams to be dreamed

flights of dreams have mesmerized the dreamers of the dream

the reality the real has masterminded the real what it is to be

what if the real were the dream, and the dreams were the real?

would the world be a better place than what we have seen?

the reality of our time is a polarized dichotomous devilish scene

the choices are bipolar alike the depressed and the manic high heels

is it all natural like a day and night bipolar drama making or breaking our day? or

is it the unnatural that has been with us so long that it seems natural to be?

am I losing to my dream? or

dreaming to be me in a surreal world that was meant not to be

the stars are shining as they are free from their broken dreams.

it is the dream then must be the real not the reality as seen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Life Beat

the heart beats and skips

the blood flow slows

the life simmers and cajoles

the brain is awakened to count the race

the race of life to another space.

the evening moves to take it's place

the life's dream makes a sojourn to ripe

with every air flow, and in every sight

what a momentary stride can bring to life.

life is a pace in a planetary wobble

to fill the unfilled hallo universe

with matters of life in planetary space.

a simmering thought that rings in the moving brain

filled with imagination that sprouts, shouts, and

makes it's case to be heard to decipher the living

drama of our time: a meaningless chatter of all time.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts Solid As Rock

writing with the grammatical foreplay is a snitch.

thoughts race leaving no room for the grammar grace

Patanjali ticker flickers seep through the grammatical rock

disturbing the meandering thoughts.

brain renders thoughts

pantajali wants the grammar rock,

the rules disturbing the thought.

meandering thoughts gives no thought, and

keeps on rocking like a solid rock.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spiders And The Humans

today I had nothing else to do.

I wandered around the barn

in search for something to do, and

saw a spider doing it's run, the spider run.

disturbing the spider's run is not what I wanted to do

so I moved on thinking......

the spiders and the humans have a lot in common.

both spiders and humans grin and spin.

both have propensity to trap,

and kill to eat.

some spiders are venomous, and

so are some humans.

spiders and humans both are creative, and

destructive at the same time.

species shape and size differ yet characters

remain the same.

one is not any better than the other.

I left the barn, and

went out to do my run, the human run.

knowing well that the spider is doing it's run,

the spider run.

run nevertheless..........

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It Is Not A Time For Hope Alone

it is not a time for hope alone.

it is not a time for motivational clone.

it is not a time for the revelation of divine.

it is a time for searching the inner core

divinity of yours and mine.

it is a time for a change to change

the waring mindset that has derailed

the civilizations over time, again and again.

it is a time for a change in the mindset

that promotes:

the ignorance

the greed

the cruelty

the hypocrisy

the religiosity

the waring state

it is a time for a change to change.

it is a time not for hope alone but for a change to

change the waring mindset.

it is a time for searching the inner core divinity of

yours and mine that could make the world divine

not the waring crime.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Political Bating

the political scaling

the backstage meeting

the privilege seating

the V.I.P coding

sponsor cajoling

ego bating

the time square rating

the congress seating

the U.N. bashing

any and all remaining

political manipulating

racing the airways, and

the by ways of our time.

noble dynamite prize is in the news.

noble politics is live and well.

wall street is rising again.

the profits are privatised.

the loses are socialize.

the political games of our time are

no different than any other time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Human Brain

is the human brain an evolution's drain, or

is it a planetary mass to evolve, and

to ravel the science to open the space?

it is a drain as it has slain under the mind's game.

it is an evolving mass as it has embarked

on planetary terrain.

the brain, one of the most evolved mass

filled with historic evolving pain, a genomic game.

the evolving mass rescued the brain from it's own pain

only to be taken over by the devotional mind games.

the church, the temples, the synagogue, the mosque's

played the mind game

mesmerized the populous

controlled the brain

waged religious wars, and

the rest is the history of gain and slain

played under the camouflage of ideals and

devotional game.

the brain mass insists to continue to evolve

in spite of insecure mind games

bringing hopes and resolves

to search the space, and

reduce the mind's spite, and

pollutant craves.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Time

there was a time.

there will be a time, and

there is a time.

it is the time nevertheless

in it's immortal play it remains the same.

was, will, and is are nothing but grammatical travesty.

time like a hawk watches

the universe ions

as the ions change

to reign the universe

in every moment

only to change the reign

to traverse the planetary race.

nothing stays the same

except the time and it's reign.

rain is falling in time to savor the time.

the ions are setting the pace.

my heart is throbbing to seek

the beauty with ionic grace.

my mind is racing as rain stops, and

calm returns to see the rainbow

a guidepost of passionate colors of

heart's desire permeating in the

splendor of an unknown love

in time to come.

Momentary Malaise

the sky is cloudy and gloomy.

it is time for a change.

don't ask, it is already arranged.

the leaves are making a change

to seep into the universe membrane

like no other passionate ingrain.

the leaves and the colors are one and the same.

the leaves are falling in unison with grace.

the forest has blossomed for it's fall's delight

in preparation for the coming wintry nights.

oh, how my heart desires to hold the beauty in sight

only to be reminded that it is the change that nature prides.

the moments are passing by..........

the nature's beauty is spreading

only to change in every passing moment, and to change again.

nothing will hold the nature's play.

the cloudy gloomy day

will stay no longer than it's momentary play.